Looking to have a tournament in my local pub and wondered how much would be allowed as a buy in?
Looking to set it at £15 with no charge for entering as the landlord is happy just to have the extra people in the pub(probably about 20)
Will the rozzers be bursting the door and arresting us for running an illegal game and sending us down or are they likely to not bother?
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I know in a number of my venues they play 10p/20p cash after the league game as finnished. Each person Buys in for their stated amount and then the money is kept somewhere.
As myself and the league do not deal with this for obvious reasons ive only bought in a couple of times and even i have no idea where the money is kept.
If a boozer gets raided I'm sure the pigs will have bigger fish to fry than a 15 squid a man illegal poker game.