John Tabatabai Is my serious choice for a guest on the Show - Brilliant player, did a great job analysing, and very good looking - perfect combo. Not so serious choice - Presenter of Tv shows Monster Hunter and Destination Truth - Josh Gates. Have no Idea If he plays poker or not but who cares? He's gorgeous
I'd love to ask, since I'm looking for some new poker literature atm, how do you think Doyle's 'Super System' is relevant to poker today? Is it still as good and pertinant now as it was when it was written, or do you think that players are thinking too far for it now?
I've just ordered Harrington's first volume on cash poker, which of his books are most relevant? I love playing tournament poker but trying to improve my low stakes cash now- interested in reading anything on tournament or cash really.
Pokerwise i,d also like to see Luke Scwartch just to see what he,s like in real life when not gettting stressed out by actually playing and his insight into how he,d play the hands shown
David Cameron so we could verbally abuse him for 4 hours str8
Colonel Gadafi to see him rambling on and see if he has actually gone insane, i don,t think he,d last 4 hours tho -
have a good show as always - MP
edit : How about setting a trap and inviting Bin Laden on - we could all come down and help arrest him and split the x amount of millions for his capture
Wondering if Wayne would make the call here.. I've only been at the table 5 minutes and don't really know the player who shoved, i think the fact it's 2p/4p made me call, but would he make the call if he was sat at the 1.50/3 pound tables for his full buy in..
i guys sneaked out off hospital AGAIN lol ( having op on monday ) can you thank all forum mates for well wishes THERE THE BEST AND THIS IS THE BEST FORUM and congrates to donkeyplop, well his misses on there baby, i would love to see emu as a guest, then we will really see how annoyed tikey will get when emu get`s the nuts
hes not one of the always talked about players but i think his game is amazing....some of the reads hes made is unreal thought and hes not as good with it as others but his game is still good
could you also give a shout out for the ckd vs sky dave please post up ideas for my forfit if i lose
also will defo not play tonite as for some reason last nite after sneaking out out for a game, taxi driver nearly crashed on my why back while trying too watch my game and also which i don`t get my blood pressure was a bit high lol
I would like Dohhhhhhh and Beaneh to be guest analyists on mastercash one week please. Together so they can argue and stuff. Believe it or not im being serious. Would be good entertainment, but the only prob is, Beane will be too busy 95 tabling, and Dohhhhhh hasnt left his front room since 2005.:) So good luck with getting those two in. Posted by GREGHOGG
This would be fun for you not for me Greghogg!!!!! And tbf I rarely and I mean rarely leave my room!!!
Also doubt the sky studio computers could handle that many tables. Hopefully this week if lots of games are running I am going to attempt to play 40 tables of cash at once and see how that goes/if my computer can cope for no other reason than I want to see if it's possible!
In Response to Re: Saturday Night Live with Rich, Trev and Gliterbabe : This would be fun for you not for me Greghogg!!!!! And tbf I rarely and I mean rarely leave my room!!! Also doubt the sky studio computers could handle that many tables. Hopefully this week if lots of games are running I am going to attempt to play 40 tables of cash at once and see how that goes/if my computer can cope for no other reason than I want to see if it's possible! Posted by beaneh
1 thing is guaranteed. its going to be a pain in the rear when you go for a slash come back and have to press the 'im back' button on 40 poker tables...
In Response to Re: Saturday Night Live with Rich, Trev and Gliterbabe : 1 thing is guaranteed. its going to be a pain in the rear when you go for a slash come back and have to press the 'im back' button on 40 poker tables... Posted by hurst05
In Response to Re: Saturday Night Live with Rich, Trev and Gliterbabe : 1 thing is guaranteed. its going to be a pain in the rear when you go for a slash come back and have to press the 'im back' button on 40 poker tables... Posted by hurst05
he has an enima before he starts and get`s the nurse to put cathiter in .....
Tonight's burning question: Who would be your dream guest on the show and why? Posted by RICHORFORD
Obviously only one answer. Sky Mandy. As someone who's played the WSOP Main Event she would have a vast amount of advice to give. And it would be a right laff.
In Response to Re: Saturday Night Live with Rich, Trev and Gliterbabe : 1 thing is guaranteed. its going to be a pain in the rear when you go for a slash come back and have to press the 'im back' button on 40 poker tables... Posted by hurst05
my main issue is when the software slows down and I fail to post my ante even though i've got auto post ticked, then in the Cut Off it offers me to post the small blind and im like norrrr wat, do I wait or just put it in I dont eve know zomg let me play salkdjflaskdjf
I decide to quit a session and then 20 minutes later i'm still shutting tables down lmao
In Response to Saturday Night Live with Rich, Trev and Gliterbabe : Obviously only one answer. Sky Mandy . As someone who's played the WSOP Main Event she would have a vast amount of advice to give. And it would be a right laff. Posted by Machka
Thank you Aaron, but it's the kind of advice you would be after that worries me!
As a known multi table player, is there really alot of table selection and if you come across a new player on multiple tables do you sit on just one table with them or a few?
In Response to Re: Saturday Night Live with Rich, Trev and Gliterbabe : Thank you Aaron, but it's the kind of advice you would be after that worries me! Posted by Sky_Mandy
Can they gain an advantage by this, or doesnt it really matter ? Or maybe it could even work in your favour sometimes ?
David Cameron so we could verbally abuse him for 4 hours str8
Colonel Gadafi to see him rambling on and see if he has actually gone insane, i don,t think he,d last 4 hours tho -
have a good show as always - MP
edit : How about setting a trap and inviting Bin Laden on - we could all come down and help arrest him and split the x amount of millions for his capture
Joking obviously Rich
But I would like to see Sky_Claire aka Atilla/Mother/SWMBO as a guest when Richard and Tikay are so they would have to behave themselves for a change!
Guest host: Jessie May
Silly guest host: Lady Gaga (pokerface-so bad)
Hand History #346219239
Wondering if Wayne would make the call here..
I've only been at the table 5 minutes and don't really know the player who shoved, i think the fact it's 2p/4p made me call, but would he make the call if he was sat at the 1.50/3 pound tables for his full buy in..
i would love to see emu as a guest, then we will really see how annoyed tikey will get when emu get`s the nuts
id like to see john juanda on the show
hes not one of the always talked about players but i think his game is amazing....some of the reads hes made is unreal thought and hes not as good with it as others but his game is still good
could you also give a shout out for the ckd vs sky dave please post up ideas for my forfit if i lose
As a known multi table player, is there really alot of table selection and if you come across a new player on multiple tables do you sit on just one table with them or a few?