In Response to FR Festival Bonus: [QUOTE]Only 51 players?Not a big success. Posted by belsibub
I only realised at the last moment how to enter, im sure many,many players played everyday that the freeroll festival was on, but many didn't enter the password i suppose!
not a huge prize pool either. lol Posted by harding10
its not looking bad now - An LG widescreen monitor for less than 1 in every ten players and with it been a FR a lot probably won,t even turn up.
Like i said in another post when i phoned CC they said "its closed now". Its looking like one of the best Freerolls for value that there has been on sky
There another thread with the same title - I don,t tunderstand why threads discussing exactly the same topic don,t get merged - It would be easier all round for mods and readers
belsibub1040001LG Widescreen LED Monitorpatom02LG Widescreen LED Monitorharding1003LG Widescreen LED Monitorkennybad04LG Widescreen LED MonitorMICKYBLUE05LG Widescreen LED Monitorbananaman506LG Widescreen LED Monitor well played all
wiiiiiiiiiiiiii belsibub 104000 1 LG Widescreen LED Monitor patom 0 2 LG Widescreen LED Monitor harding10 0 3 LG Widescreen LED Monitor kennybad 0 4 LG Widescreen LED Monitor MICKYBLUE 0 5 LG Widescreen LED Monitor bananaman5 0 6 LG Widescreen LED Monitor well played all Posted by harding10
Well done all! some forum regs in that list...MBN!
hi belsibub u had any luck with ur prize yet m8, i keep getting promised that some1 from marketing team will contact me but nothing, wp by the way m8 and only1ct ul m8 u played well
hi belsibub u had any luck with ur prize yet m8, i keep getting promised that some1 from marketing team will contact me but nothing, wp by the way m8 and only1ct ul m8 u played well Posted by MICKYBLUE
I got a phone call next day to confirm my address.They said they were just putting it on order and it would be about 2 weeks nothing so far :-(.
[QUOTE]Only 51 players?Not a big success.
Posted by belsibub
I only realised at the last moment how to enter, im sure many,many players played everyday that the freeroll festival was on, but many didn't enter the password i suppose!
No complaints here.
Like i said in another post when i phoned CC they said "its closed now". Its looking like one of the best Freerolls for value that there has been on sky
There another thread with the same title - I don,t tunderstand why threads discussing exactly the same topic don,t get merged - It would be easier all round for mods and readers
sky sent me an email notifying me as i havent played on here 4 a while...
belsibub1040001LG Widescreen LED Monitorpatom02LG Widescreen LED Monitorharding1003LG Widescreen LED Monitorkennybad04LG Widescreen LED MonitorMICKYBLUE05LG Widescreen LED Monitorbananaman506LG Widescreen LED Monitor
well played all
I played awful in this at times.
I blame having to rush around like an idiot to make it home for just gone 7pm to login to play.
Well, my lack of poker skills are probably more to blame really.