Sorry for the QQ v KK in the VLV. Just so the show knows...... i didnt intentionally 3bet half my stack pre lol. Misclicked.... altho hand probs plays same
In Response to Re: Primo, Vegas, Oscars & Another Special Guest Star! (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***) : more to the point.... why is neil channing sitting there with a face lift? Posted by aussie09
yea he does look pretty similar too.
On a serious note again, couple of questions for Jamie,
How did he start in poker, and would he change anything looking back?
Secondly what would he recommend for new players starting the game?
Ed - You keep mentioning the cost of a round at wentworth. Not sure if you are a golfer or not but if you are and fancy a challenge, find yourself a partner and I'll take you there on a freebie!
Ed - You keep mentioning the cost of a round at wentworth. Not sure if you are a golfer or not but if you are and fancy a challenge, find yourself a partner and I'll take you there on a freebie! Posted by bazbazbaz
OMG ! , AWESOME,thank you very much, would love to!
Ed - You keep mentioning the cost of a round at wentworth. Not sure if you are a golfer or not but if you are and fancy a challenge, find yourself a partner and I'll take you there on a freebie! Posted by bazbazbaz
if ed does do it, can i come along to find his wayward balls, off course he has to pay me to find them??????
In Response to Re: Primo, Vegas, Oscars & Another Special Guest Star! (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***) : Pandy I'll send you my copy of "I think were alone now" if that helps? Posted by PenFifteen
Ive got my own copy thank you Pen - obviously I wasnt born when it was released....but I pinched it off my big sis
On a serious note again, couple of questions for Jamie,
How did he start in poker, and would he change anything looking back?
Secondly what would he recommend for new players starting the game?
Great show. Question for James
In the Wizard of Oz. Which order does Dorothy meet her three friends on The Yellow Brick Road?
The Scarecrow, Tin Man and The Lion and what year was the film made? 1939.
Good luck James
LOL silly me didn't listen properly.
My, oh my....things are sooooo expensive in Tiffany's!!!
great show btw
I'll send you my copy of "I think were alone now" if that helps?