Well done to the final six - particularly tonight's winner, HAPPYNIGE4:
HAPPYNIGE41360001£102 + £108.51 Head Prizes + 40 League Points13tempusfuge02£68 + £18.99 Head Prizes + 36 League Points4poole1003£47.60 + £16.88 Head Prizes + 28 League Points4TRPLAAA04£34 + £10.78 Head Prizes + 22 League Points2howkie05£27.20 + £16.17 Head Prizes + 18 League Points4goodylad2106£23.80 + £9.38 Head Prizes + 14 League Points2
It'll be interesting to see how the ARL table looks now. MereNovice, it's over to you...
Good fun but same old same old, all in ak v aq - queen on the river, no suprise there, wonder when this variance thing shows it's other side. Posted by christiann
Unlucky, I hate to say it but for me it took about 8 months for the upswing to kick in.
In Response to Re: THE ALL-ROUNDERS' LEAGUE - WEEK 4 : Unlucky, I hate to say it but for me it took about 8 months for the upswing to kick in. Posted by Kiwini4u
It's final table time in the Team Sky Poker Classic... Yes, please allow me to shamelessly brag that I've made back-to-back TSP Classic FTs!!! (I appreciate I have a long way to go before matching lJAMESl's record, but it's a start...)
I'm 3rd in chips, but we're all pretty short, so good-old variance is a major factor
Yes, after my 3rd place finish in the TSP Classic last month, I've just taken down the tournament for £510...which I don't get to keep...
Well done to the other five finalists and apologies (where appropriate) for the suck-outs. Huge thanks to everyone who railed the final table. Your messages of support were really appreciated and I love the fact I was having to answer movie trivia questions, while playing three-handed
See you next Monday for the penultimate leg of the ARL. It's a good one - it's the No Limit Hold'em Deepstack!
congratulations James........my mistimed shove into your aces must have helped................great game and great chat...........a pleasure sir..........so thats 2 presenters that have won the TSP.................any chance of the others joining the winners circle soon???
Oh, just a few more months then! lol
also fair play for answering the geek squad with their film questions lol
you cant be too far away from a blue hoodie imo James! gl m8
James H for tsp innit