tonight is my last night playing on sky poker
about 2 yrs ago i stopped working due to illness, this has resulted in me and the missus falling behind with loan repayments etc....and we are at the stage now where in the next couple of weeks we have no other option but to file for bankruptcy

this means that i will not be allowed to take part in any form of gambling for 1 yr, so as of tomorrow i will be ringing customer care to withdraw my BR and close my account.
i am gutted as over the past couple of months i had built up a nice BR enabling me to play in the higher stakes MTTs for the first time, but i'm afraid debts come before poker!!
anyway, the past 2 yrs have been a blast and i have grown to love this game and regard this site as one of THE best around, the community here are all top people and i will def miss playing, guess i'm gonna have to take up knitting or binge drinking for the next year!!!!
i will still be watching the odd tourney on 865 and hope to see many of you forum regs going deep and getting some nice cashes!
i will def be back in a year and look forward to seeing you all at the tables again, i imagine i will be as rusty as **** and there will be easy money to be made off me!!!!!
all the best, Ryan
Ryan, really sorry to read this post bud. I sincerely hope that all goes well for you in the future and look forward to seeing you back here next year. Take care.
Will the recording of your new album not help Rik?
Seriously though mate, all the best in the next few trying months for you Ryan and your family. Keep strong and i hope to see you back here sooner than later.
Hope you can get your finances sorted soon.
Your primo final table was a real blast,eh rik?
I thnk i speak for everyone who knows you that we all look very much forward to your return
Best of luck my friend xxx
You're a top bloke mate and The DTD will miss a great contributor
All the very best mate
Will miss you pal !!
(How about freerolls?????)
pm me and keep in touch either on facerbook or m s n, let me know if you got any
all the best buddy, im sure ur turn it around
Kind Regards
must admit i used most of my winnings to pay off debts, glad a#i did but the BR has suffered since lol
cheers guys
yeah pretty tough time at the moment, we explored every other avenue but ultimately this is now our only option! oh well s**t happens and all that!
YG yeah i'm on facebook put ryan waller from grimsby and you should find me or i'll look for you whats your surname???
right guys see you all in 12 mnths!!!!
come back soonest
You will be better off when you go bankrupt no more debt a fresh start.I know plenty of people who have gone bankrupt some have to pay a little back but most dont pay anything back hope yours is the latter m8
Hope to see you soon 1 thing is sure you will be missed.