1) Make the bubble your friend, target players who are scared of it. Its more profitable to win one tournament and bubble in nine than scrape into the cash in ten.
2) Know your opponents. Playing same players regularly is great if you study their games enough. But they know you too,so mix up your game sometimes.
3) Avoid distractions. Its unlikely that you will play your top game if you are watching the footie or being nagged by the missus to do the washing up !
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PS - Careful, now.....
But I remember sitting next to you in a tournament in Glasgow last year, the night before the SPT. I recall an outrageous reraise with 7 4 offsuit, where you pulled in the chips without even pausing in your banter with the locals. And a few more creative bets besides. You also had more rabbit than Negreanu ! And know exactly the table image you want to create.
I dont believe we see the real Tikay much on here, you are not playing your natural game. Often you are happy letting your stack dwindle down, knowing that when you get the monster you will generally find someone who is mug enough to take you on, and it has been me a few times ! But when you have that double up your range does widen. I see you limping into a pot occasionally, and think you are unlikely to do that with the goods. When you raise out of position its always a big decision for anybody. But I would be happy for you to think I will often reraise with a marginal hand
I cant remember being on a final table with you for some time so may not know your shoving range there.