In Response to Comp time- how will Orford, Chelsea and Man U do tonight? : Well Rich after mr. Hartigan's success last night you've got a bit to live up to but I'm sure you'll put up a good show unlike chelsea will so I'm going for....................... Rich 5th Man utd to win 2-1 (god that hurt) btw did LML come good on her forfeit from last week? haven't seen much telly the last few nights Posted by scouse_red
Did Hartigan win it last night?
OK, look's like I've got to actually try tonight then
And of course LM reneged on her forfeit to begin her next show by announcing 'Orford completely owned me at poker this week and is a much better player'. Why? Because (a) she's chicken and (b) the truth hurts!!!!
Orford to WIN the TSP Classic tonight. No, I'm serious. The football score? 27-19. Which is about as likely to be correct as Orford winning the TSP Classic. No need to thank me. Posted by Tikay10
Chelsea 1 Man u 2
Manchester United to win 3-1
chelsea 1 man u 1
Chelsea 2-1 Man U
1-0 chelsea
Rich finish 67th
Chelsea 2-2 Man Utd
Rich will finish a bold 24th
Man United 2
Chelsea 2
Chelsea 1-2 Man U
Rich 43rd
Chelsea 1 - 1 Manchester UNited
chelsea to win 2-0