In Response to Re: Feb cash 4 points, FAO sky MODs : +1 Can i just clarify then Cottlad, this thread was set up purely for those who agree with you then? Seems like whenever certain people come on here with opinions that differ from yours they're accused of trolling. Given the nature of some of your comments on here it seems to me like you're the one trolling on your own thread. Hilarious! Posted by suedehead7
Um..... i never started this thread. Whenever certain people.....???........ 1 person/troll has said they would prefer a worse deal than the one i and every other reg so far is suggesting.
This is getting hilarious! Sky players actively looking to ensure they get less money for playing on a site. What next? An email to full tilt asking them to revoke any rakeback? A letter to the boss begging him to cancel your pay increase because you think you earn enough..... even though you know what you earn is less than the industry norm?
And stein........ i have absolutely no idea what your on about with that bad flush hand? You seriously think i follow you around a forum because of 1 bad beat? lmao.... get you hahahaha. I have always thought you were a sad troll. You prove it in every thread you contribute to. I've never seen a post by you that actively agrees with the thread content or one that really has nice words to say about anything or anyone...... unless it's disagreeing with with the majority. Every forum has a troll so that's OK.... it's just normally they do it with a little humour or tongue in cheek. You do it with nastiness and mallice in mind.
I have made my point and explained it. Who do you think you are, some jumped up self appointed union rep fighting hard for us poor exploited poker players. This issue has become your hobby horse, you've been banging on about it for god knows how long, at every opportunity you get. I'm happy with the system if your not do one, there are plenty of sites out there to choose from, its not like you've not left before.
"nastiness and malice" You jumped on 5toneFace simply because he dared to point out what maybe Sky's position and it turns out he was on your side.
Then in reply to my point of view you posted "You not got laid yet? Seriously you really have some issues." Troll me, look at yourself.
How dare I disagree with you, how dare I point out the fact Sky gave me rakeback without me asking for it, how dare I point out that Sky also gave me a 25% bonus again without me asking for it. How dare I have an alternative point of view.
This forum ain't the USSR and your opinion is only your opinion, you may have posters on here who agree with you but who would come on here and disagree when you come the big union bully when you don't like what you hear.
Union rep? USSR? seriously man what are you talking about. I just added to a thread that i agreed with. The fact we earn thousands of points above a threshold that are worthless is in my opinion a little unfair. It's unfair to you just as it's unfair to everyone else. to earn 4000 points playing 25p/50p or even 50p/£1 takes a lot of hard work. It takes hours of multitabling. Yes the system at the moment is a lot better than it was..... if you dig a little you may find i had something to do with that change that you're so content with. All i'm doing is trying to make things even fairer...... i've not got a take take take attitude and i know Sky has no obligation to do as i say. I'm just pointing out that earning 12000 points with 2-3 days to go can dissuade some from playing as they know they can't make the next threshold...... for me it's in SKYS interests to lower the thresholds and enable players to play as much as they can and get paid for doing so. And it's in OUR interests and much fairer that the thresholds are lowered so that people don't earn 3k extra points or whatever by multi tabling 8 tables for 15 hours or more only to have all their points flushed down the loo and be worthless. It's called cash for points, not cash for some of your points.
If you had reason to join this thread disagreeing, as you do every thread you join or start, then i could listen to yr argument with reason..... As per normal however, you are just trying to disagree for disagreeings sake even if it means YOU are worse off financially for doing so. Crazy and imo very stupid! I'm struggling to even come up with a reason (other than you being a compulsive troll) for why you wouldn't want the change? Maybe you could enlighten me?
Whenever certain people.....???........ 1 person/troll has said they would prefer a worse deal than the one i and every other reg so far is suggesting.
This is getting hilarious! Sky players actively looking to ensure they get less money for playing on a site.
What next? An email to full tilt asking them to revoke any rakeback? A letter to the boss begging him to cancel your pay increase because you think you earn enough..... even though you know what you earn is less than the industry norm?
And stein........ i have absolutely no idea what your on about with that bad flush hand? You seriously think i follow you around a forum because of 1 bad beat? lmao.... get you hahahaha. I have always thought you were a sad troll. You prove it in every thread you contribute to. I've never seen a post by you that actively agrees with the thread content or one that really has nice words to say about anything or anyone...... unless it's disagreeing with with the majority. Every forum has a troll so that's OK.... it's just normally they do it with a little humour or tongue in cheek. You do it with nastiness and mallice in mind.
I have made my point and explained it. Who do you think you are, some jumped up self appointed union rep fighting hard for us poor exploited poker players. This issue has become your hobby horse, you've been banging on about it for god knows how long, at every opportunity you get. I'm happy with the system if your not do one, there are plenty of sites out there to choose from, its not like you've not left before.
"nastiness and malice" You jumped on 5toneFace simply because he dared to point out what maybe Sky's position and it turns out he was on your side.
Then in reply to my point of view you posted "You not got laid yet? Seriously you really have some issues." Troll me, look at yourself.
How dare I disagree with you, how dare I point out the fact Sky gave me rakeback without me asking for it, how dare I point out that Sky also gave me a 25% bonus again without me asking for it. How dare I have an alternative point of view.
This forum ain't the USSR and your opinion is only your opinion, you may have posters on here who agree with you but who would come on here and disagree when you come the big union bully when you don't like what you hear.
Yes the system at the moment is a lot better than it was..... if you dig a little you may find i had something to do with that change that you're so content with. All i'm doing is trying to make things even fairer...... i've not got a take take take attitude and i know Sky has no obligation to do as i say. I'm just pointing out that earning 12000 points with 2-3 days to go can dissuade some from playing as they know they can't make the next threshold...... for me it's in SKYS interests to lower the thresholds and enable players to play as much as they can and get paid for doing so. And it's in OUR interests and much fairer that the thresholds are lowered so that people don't earn 3k extra points or whatever by multi tabling 8 tables for 15 hours or more only to have all their points flushed down the loo and be worthless. It's called cash for points, not cash for some of your points.
If you had reason to join this thread disagreeing, as you do every thread you join or start, then i could listen to yr argument with reason..... As per normal however, you are just trying to disagree for disagreeings sake even if it means YOU are worse off financially for doing so. Crazy