General Poker Tips
RAISE!- Always come into a pot with a raise. You take control, you give yourself TWO ways of winning a pot. Its simple and effective.
POSITION- is key and is linked with raising. DO NOT for example raise under the gun with filth. You have 5 players behind that are likely to have better hands. There is just no point. DO raise on the button or in late position. This is the best time to come into a pot. Having the dealer chip means you have control of the hand and can basically decide your own destiny, which is so so so important!
BLUFFING- IMPORTANT!!- Two things that need to be done if your going to bluff.
One- Make sure you have good reads on your opponent. If tikay raises under the gun (or at all) I am not going to consider re raising with 10 9 because we all know he will have aces! If a tight player raises, give him respect, if a loose player raises ( and theres usually one on a table) then feel free try things out. Also, if your opponent is a calling station, then there is no point bluffing because they will call you down with bottom pair.
Two- Tell a story- If your going to bluff, you need to tell your opponent a story. People used to tell me i played my bluff like i had the nuts! That was what i wanted! Example; A flop that brings draws (flush, straight) If you play the hand like your on the draw, then the third club comes down for example, play it like youve hit the flush. It's amazing how many times your opponent will fold!
Good writing skillz. Poor counting skillz!
Too good to waste, though.
hi wacko, great tips, keep them coming please.
Not so Wacko after all really !!
Wp other nite in TOT i think, u donked me out LOL !!
hi wacko went against my tight image to pull of 2 bluffs for really big pots, c betting, went over the top of my opponent when i thought he was c betting and happy to finish 7th yesterdsy.Then carried on today won a couple of races but won.I kow its only 2.20 deepstack but im getting there, i hope.Cheers m8.