A Fun Forum Comp.
There will be THREE SPT Seats to EITHER SPT Leeds or SPT Cardiff (winners to choose) up for grabs. There will also be SEVEN "TSP Classic Seats" for the "Close, but only a small cigar" entries. Total Prize Value = £407
The winner will be the THREE entries who, in the opinion of the Competition Referee, gives the BEST THREE POKER TIPS. (See, below, the rules). All three will get an SPT Leeds or Cardiff seat. Seven “runners-up” will get a TSP Classic seat. IF you don’t play live, you may take TWO Primo Seats instead of the single SPT Seat.
OK, rules to follow.
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Rules & things.
You must start your own thread.
Every Entry must be a separate thread.
You may start UP TO FOUR threads, each one counts separately.
Only one thread per category. If you want to enter more than one Thread, the categories are…..
Tips for beginners
Tips for Cash Game Poker
Tips for Tourney Poker
General Poker Tips.
Thread Titles, once started, must NOT be changed.
The Competition ref will look for……
Good, snappy, Thread Title.
Well thought-out poker tips. Some care taken to present them well. Poor spelling will NOT be penalised, but “handsome is as handsome does”, so don’t rush the Post, take a little time & care.
Remember, the Community has a spellchecker, though.
THREE Poker Tips – of ANY type or variety – must be included.
The Total “Original Post” MUST NOT exceed 100 words.
The quality of Posts are generally reflected in the quality of replies. So feel free to comment on other people’s threads. In fact, the “feedback” to each thread will be taken into consideration. If nobody comments, the Tips can’t be very good……
balls only just read second part
Hints & tips?
Try to be original.
Good thread titles are like first opinions – they count for a great deal.
Bad thread titles mean the thread may not even get opened by many.
A dash of humour will not go astray, but that’s up to you.
No need to rush – the Competition is open for 7 days – it closes at Midnight next Tuesday. So think about it before entering. It’s not a race.
The Competition referee will be “SPT”, who many of you know as Rich Prew, aka “Tighty”. He’s been chosen as he cannot be accused of showing bias or favour, & has wit, integrity, & independence. And is a proper geek.
The ref’s decision is final.
He will select the best three threads in his opinion, to receive SPT Seats as above, & seven “Close, but only a small cigar” to others, who will each win a “TSP Classic” Seat.
So, the total value of prizes is over £400.
Sample entry?
(Thread Title) Tonker Tikay’s Terrific Top Three Tips
1) Think about the game – think for yourself. If you believe everything you read & hear about poker, you’ll go doo-lally. Position, Table selection, concentrating on the game (not the TV!) playing within our means, are all common-sense – but apply everything selectively.
2) Respect our opponents. They may be fish, but even small fish can kill. See “piranhas”. Arsenal underestimated Birmingham in the Cup Final, & look what happened.
3) If you could change ONE thing about your game, make it, generally, “be the bettor, not the caller”. Control the play!
That's it.
Entries close at Midnight next Tuesday.
PLEASE read the rules carefully BEFORE Posting.
General Poker Chat, please.
Think you need to make your thread "sticky" ... it's already nearly fell off the first page.
Just a thought, not a tip !!!!!
Great start from everyone, but please remember, maximum 100 words!
Do not include the Thread Title in the word count, or Edit it, but you can edit the actual Post if you wish.
Great idea Tikay im sure GPC will be buzzing for days to come.
Mods - is it worth stickying this Thread until, say, Sunday or Monday?
Can you not make it 200 words max?
The trouble is, there have been a lot of entrants already which have tailored their replies to 100 words max, & it'd be unfair to penalise them by changing the Rules now.
Having said that, they could be edited/changed, & it's only been running 2 hours, & it runs for a week.
Let me mull on it, overnight. In the meantime, anyone else want to comment on Donkeyplops idea, & if it would be unfair to change it now?
make it "roughly" 100 words - who's gonna count em all anyway?????????????
Dohhhhhhhhhhhh the voice of reason!
posted my entry playing the players game tips for beginners
do i need to post some ware so it dosnt get over looked?
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