Obviously he's a legend but if you only heard that he won 2!! world series with 10/2 you may get the wrong impression!!
Tip 1 : Don't assume 10/2 is the nuts! (an aside for our readers ace /jack is also not the nutts however lisa-marie may play the hand!! Convincingly or not don't fall for her wiley charms she just wants the money!!)
Tip 2 : Have fun, its a great game and i don't care whether you're playing for big bucks or not i know people who play for thousands and they can't believe i can enjoy small stakes deepstacks!! If you don't enjoy playing STOP PLAYING LIFE'S too short !! FACT.
Tip 3: Only serious tip,if playing omaha hilo still play quite tight! All hands look like they can make the nuts for the low or high hand but if everyone thinks the same wait till you have the nuts and bet accordingly.
Cheers Dave.
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