Anyone else have this problem? Just feel like getting hammered for not much reason at all, nothing bad as happened, and then your poker skills go out of the window! so annoying!
Won a small pot which the looser then chose to have a pop at me for the way I played the hand. It irritated me so much that I was out in 6 hands from having a decent stack.
One big, BIG weakness of my game is the fact that I allow external circumstances and other players to effect how I play the game. Would love to hear from some of the players on here about how they keep their focus whilst playing
Lol, yeah its probably my biggest weaknesses, lost so much money in the past from playing when im not on my b or c-game, nevermind my a-game Come off it now after losing abit, whereas before i would just move up stakes and lose it all... something I'm learning i guess..
It's the same when you feel real tired too! I tried playing last night when i really shouldn't of, and I played bad and spewed my chips around! Best remedy I have found for mood or tiredness is vodka redbull, give that a whirl................... Posted by donkeyplop
That should be in the 100 words or less Poker tips competition... Best piece of Advice by far. By the way did you know Red Bull is a banned substance is some parts of France
In Response to Re: Mood affecting my poker! : That should be in the 100 words or less Poker tips competition... Best piece of Advice by far. By the way did you know Red Bull is a banned substance is some parts of France Posted by Mod_JockBM
Yeah just seen that! How did you get that gig?? I want to be one too........................ Posted by donkeyplop
A lot of bribery and corruption. In fairness it's something that Sky instigated and I was asked to be a part of. I'm sure if you have an interest in this it'll be worthwhile throwing your hat in the ring.
If I cant decide whether I'm in the mood to play or not, I take that as a no and dont play. I've found in the past when I've not taken it as a no and played, I've played like a complete muppet, and then I sit there thinking "I knew I shouldnt have played"
I tried playing last night when i really shouldn't of, and I played bad and spewed my chips around!
Best remedy I have found for mood or tiredness is vodka redbull, give that a whirl...................
Or are you now a mod?
How did you get that gig?? I want to be one too........................