In the £22 deep stack the blinds are 40 80 a player raises to 220 I reraise to 860 player A calls. IM holding KK flop comes J 3 7 all the chips go in. Anyway he wins with trip 3s. I asked him what he thought I had preflop and he says AA KK or AK lol I said nh sarcasticly. You just cant get some people off a hand......
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His mistake and your bad luck was the initial raise by him, once he done that, i reckon your raise gave him some 'hope' really you shoulda shoved here, yeh maybe he still called but better than a poxy 860 into a 440 pot! But unlucky though but im sure that dont help ya, but you get a lot of chancers here and elsewhere (including me lol) and you just gotta take the rough with the smooth
You were unlucky, but his play is not that bad, imo.
I think if you asked that question of a lot of decent players, they might - might - make a case for the "implied odds" argument. NOT if he thinks you have, say, 8-8, or A-K, that's very different. But specifically against A-A or K-K, when he KNOWS he will stack you if he binks the set, really, the play is not anything like as bad as you are suggesting.
It's certainly not a play I'd mock, or laugh at. And if I have the A-A or K-K, I'm happy if he calls me with 3-3. Most times...... We can't have our cake & eat it.
When we have A-A or K-K & get no action, we often cry a little bit. But when we get action & & we get outdrawn, we cry a little more......
Thanks Mr Die.
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