Really good questions and answers so far, loving it. Congrats!
Ok to business:
1) You've been identified as a very aggressive player. Is 'the pedal to the metal' for the majority of a MTT or do you change gears throughout? If it's the later, how do you choose when to change gears? Is it feel, opponent dependant, confidence related, set times in the structure or something else?
2) Name your football club and instantly make friends and enemies
3) Totally ripping off a regular question in a poker magazine, would you rather fight 50 duck sized horses or one horse size duck?
Whats your view on books for improving your game? Have you read any and if so did they help?
I understand your an aggro player, but is there a point in an MTT when you start getting aggro eg - level 3, 4 etc or is it from the 1st level depending on your opponents?
I read your answers on players notes. If your sat on same table for 30 minutes would you have at least made some notes? The reason I ask is because i was playing the other day on a cash table for nearly an hour and when I came off i realised I hadn,t made any notes on any of the players. Is this bad ? and would you ever consider making notes on someone after seeing them play just 1 or 2 hands?. Is there a certain time limit or is it more to do with when you notice a patern emerging in someones play?
Hey Wacko. Really good questions and answers so far, loving it. Congrats! Ok to business: 1) You've been identified as a very aggressive player. Is 'the pedal to the metal' for the majority of a MTT or do you change gears throughout? If it's the later, how do you choose when to change gears? Is it feel, opponent dependant, confidence related, set times in the structure or something else? 2) Name your football club and instantly make friends and enemies 3) Totally ripping off a regular question in a poker magazine, would you rather fight 50 duck sized horses or one horse size duck? Posted by TommyD
Hi Tommy, thanks mate
1) I dont agree with people when they say you should sit tight at the start of a tourney because often being aggressive will pick you up more chips! So why not do it? For me its almost totally dependant on the players, i generally ask the questions myself by being aggro, or just let someone else on the table do it if im card dead. I also target a player on the table that i feel will be easiest to get chips off. Once youve got a weak player identified its easy to bet 2 or 3 streets and get them off it really is. Now obvs if i get raised when i bluff constantly, or theyre all calling stations then i sit tight and wait for my hands, it really just depends. One of the most important things i think you should do is, PLAY THE PLAYER, not the cards. You dont need good cards to win a hand, just tell a story and youl get it through.
2) Hull City :S
3) Definitly one horse sized duck! One opponent, and its a duck!
Hi Wacko - some interesting reading there Whats your view on books for improving your game? Have you read any and if so did they help? I understand your an aggro player, but is there a point in an MTT when you start getting aggro eg - level 3, 4 etc or is it from the 1st level depending on your opponents? I read your answers on players notes. If your sat on same table for 30 minutes would you have at least made some notes? The reason I ask is because i was playing the other day on a cash table for nearly an hour and when I came off i realised I hadn,t made any notes on any of the players. Is this bad ? and would you ever consider making notes on someone after seeing them play just 1 or 2 hands?. Is there a certain time limit or is it more to do with when you notice a patern emerging in someones play? Cheers + GL Paul Posted by MP33
Hi Paul,
Nope, no books, iv always wanted to find out how to do it my own way rather than being influenced by a book, whether thats a good or bad thing i dont know. Tbh i dont think it would improve my game that much anyway but for a lot of players i expect they would help.
Again its dependant on my opponents. I mean you often see iv lost a few chips very early on in a tourney as iv been aggressive and got an answer, but i generally do this to find out who i can target as a weak player that i can get chips off. I usually give myself 400 to 500 hundred to play with.
I think when making notes, cash and tournies are totally different. With MTT's your unlikely to keep meeting the same people on your table, but if your playing the same cash levels most days youl be meeting similar players each day, so id definitely advise making notes. I dont generally make notes at all ( I probably should) and definitely not after 1 or 2 hands, iv done that before and found id made bad notes ( so maybe wrote that he was a tight player when he really was quite loose) and played the player all wrong!
Another question for you Wacko: How far do your ambitions in poker go? Are you in it for the money, bracelets, fun...? Posted by Sky_Dave
Hi Dave,
Its almost impossible to answer as i dont really know how good i am! So right now im in it for fun, and a bit of money bracelets? you must be kidding!!!
Its been a while since our heads up sng duels, seems like you have built quite a roll with your primo sucesses! I must say one thing that struck me allbeit from online chat was your maturity given your a whipper snapper!
My question to you is what is your favourite poker variant, MTT, STT or cash. Or do you like to mix it up to keep the boredom factor at bay.
Its seems as though Tikay has taken you under his wing which from a bankroll perspective is really good to see. We all see how the best players go bust and no doubt you will listen to what the great man has to say.
Keep up the good work.
PS Hull City where always doomed when tango man tried karoake last game of the season a few years back. Come on you gunners !
Hi Wacko Its been a while since our heads up sng duels, seems like you have built quite a roll with your primo sucesses! I must say one thing that struck me allbeit from online chat was your maturity given your a whipper snapper! My question to you is what is your favourite poker variant, MTT, STT or cash. Or do you like to mix it up to keep the boredom factor at bay. Its seems as though Tikay has taken you under his wing which from a bankroll perspective is really good to see. We all see how the best players go bust and no doubt you will listen to what the great man has to say. Keep up the good work. PS Hull City where always doomed when tango man tried karoake last game of the season a few years back. Come on you gunners ! Posted by ACEGOONER
In fact, the total opposite! I'd die to have Wacko's game, but I'm too old to change, & so I just do my thing, & I though I don't lose any money, I don't make much, either.
The only advice I've ever given Wacko was to balance his Raising a little bit. I get by in poker solely due to serial-raisers, especially in Live Poker, where I can succesfully re-pop with air every few orbits whilst waiting for Kings or Aces.
He probably ignored me, & he was probably right to, too.
It's a young man's game.
I do have a tremendous regard for Wacko's potential, though, & have no need to be coy or shy about it.
In fact, here's something you can shoot me down with one day.
As to "emerging young talent", here's my three to watch.
Now I'll get mullered for saying they are my "friend", or faves, but hey-ho, it is what it says on the tin - I'm immensely proud that all three make Sky Poker their main poker home. They are all very fine prospects indeed, mark my words.
I've tried to post this like ten we go again...
My questions:
Obv it seems to be all aggro aggro aggro, raise raise raise. But I've seen you float a couple of times out of position in weird spots (no draws) and then check it down once you hit a pair. I'd like to know what kind of situations you look to float in and is it purely to set up big plays on later streets? Would you have bluffed had you not hit your card(s)?
Also, what does your girlfriend think about you playing poker? Is she supportive? Does she complain at all? Do you take her to Nandos when you win a decent tourney? Is it weird that she likes you more after you won some monies?
In Response to Re: In The Well, #1. Wacko 90. : In fact, the total opposite! I'd die to have Wacko's game, but I'm too old to change, & so I just do my thing, & I though I don't lose any money, I don't make much, either. The only advice I've ever given Wacko was to balance his Raising a little bit. I get by in poker solely due to serial-raisers, especially in Live Poker, where I can succesfully re-pop with air every few orbits whilst waiting for Kings or Aces. He probably ignored me, & he was probably right to, too. It's a young man's game. I do have a tremendous regard for Wacko's potential, though, & have no need to be coy or shy about it. In fact, here's something you can shoot me down with one day. As to "emerging young talent", here's my three to watch. Wacko Hursty Jamielou. Now I'll get mullered for saying they are my "friend", or faves, but hey-ho, it is what it says on the tin - I'm immensely proud that all three make Sky Poker their main poker home. They are all very fine prospects indeed, mark my words. So are plenty of others, of course...... Posted by Tikay10
Even I'm not going to muller you for these 3 picks.
In Response to Re: In The Well, #1. Wacko 90. : In fact, the total opposite! I'd die to have Wacko's game, but I'm too old to change, & so I just do my thing, & I though I don't lose any money, I don't make much, either. The only advice I've ever given Wacko was to balance his Raising a little bit. I get by in poker solely due to serial-raisers, especially in Live Poker, where I can succesfully re-pop with air every few orbits whilst waiting for Kings or Aces. He probably ignored me, & he was probably right to, too. It's a young man's game. I do have a tremendous regard for Wacko's potential, though, & have no need to be coy or shy about it. In fact, here's something you can shoot me down with one day. As to "emerging young talent", here's my three to watch. Wacko Hursty Jamielou. Now I'll get mullered for saying they are my "friend", or faves, but hey-ho, it is what it says on the tin - I'm immensely proud that all three make Sky Poker their main poker home. They are all very fine prospects indeed, mark my words. So are plenty of others, of course...... Posted by Tikay10
When I said mentor I meant from a bankroll perspective as much as anything else. Im 42 been playing for 7 years now, it took 6 years to find my niche game (racking up losses along the way!) and realise that I could play this game.
I hear a lot of people say its a young mans game, but for me its because they dont have the pressures of a mortgage, wife kids etc. Therefore, they can play without fear. It doesnt mean that older people who have a grasp of the fundamentals of poker, the ability to read your opponent and understand the maths of the game cannot succeed.
Some great questions, 5 pages of them is a lil much for me to catch up on in one go, so appoligies if this has been asked, i think i read to bottom of page 3 will do 4 and 5 in a while.
I know you fully respect your routes in the low stake mtts, and i also know you do play these still as and when you can.
In a tournament like the 2.20 deepie, are their players who you feel could follow you up the levels to stardom and profits? And also what advice would you give them for moving up the MTT ladder and when should they start to move up the chain?
In Response to Re: In The Well, #1. Wacko 90. : In fact, the total opposite! I'd die to have Wacko's game, but I'm too old to change, & so I just do my thing, & I though I don't lose any money, I don't make much, either. The only advice I've ever given Wacko was to balance his Raising a little bit. I get by in poker solely due to serial-raisers, especially in Live Poker, where I can succesfully re-pop with air every few orbits whilst waiting for Kings or Aces. He probably ignored me, & he was probably right to, too. It's a young man's game. I do have a tremendous regard for Wacko's potential, though, & have no need to be coy or shy about it. In fact, here's something you can shoot me down with one day. As to "emerging young talent", here's my three to watch. Wacko Hursty Jamielou. Now I'll get mullered for saying they are my "friend", or faves, but hey-ho, it is what it says on the tin - I'm immensely proud that all three make Sky Poker their main poker home. They are all very fine prospects indeed, mark my words. So are plenty of others, of course...... Posted by Tikay10
Pardon? Does this warrant one of those man-bag slaps?
Pictures of the g/f??
Really good questions and answers so far, loving it. Congrats!
Ok to business:
1) You've been identified as a very aggressive player. Is 'the pedal to the metal' for the majority of a MTT or do you change gears throughout? If it's the later, how do you choose when to change gears? Is it feel, opponent dependant, confidence related, set times in the structure or something else?
2) Name your football club and instantly make friends and enemies
3) Totally ripping off a regular question in a poker magazine, would you rather fight 50 duck sized horses or one horse size duck?
Whats your view on books for improving your game? Have you read any and if so did they help?
I understand your an aggro player, but is there a point in an MTT when you start getting aggro eg - level 3, 4 etc or is it from the 1st level depending on your opponents?
I read your answers on players notes. If your sat on same table for 30 minutes would you have at least made some notes?
The reason I ask is because i was playing the other day on a cash table for nearly an hour and when I came off i realised I hadn,t made any notes on any of the players. Is this bad ? and would you ever consider making notes on someone after seeing them play just 1 or 2 hands?. Is there a certain time limit or is it more to do with when you notice a patern emerging in someones play?
Cheers + GL
Its been a while since our heads up sng duels, seems like you have built quite a roll with your primo sucesses! I must say one thing that struck me allbeit from online chat was your maturity given your a whipper snapper!
My question to you is what is your favourite poker variant, MTT, STT or cash. Or do you like to mix it up to keep the boredom factor at bay.
Its seems as though Tikay has taken you under his wing which from a bankroll perspective is really good to see. We all see how the best players go bust and no doubt you will listen to what the great man has to say.
Keep up the good work.
PS Hull City where always doomed when tango man tried karoake last game of the season a few years back. Come on you gunners !
The only advice I've ever given Wacko was to balance his Raising a little bit. I get by in poker solely due to serial-raisers, especially in Live Poker, where I can succesfully re-pop with air every few orbits whilst waiting for Kings or Aces.
He probably ignored me, & he was probably right to, too.
It's a young man's game.
I do have a tremendous regard for Wacko's potential, though, & have no need to be coy or shy about it.
In fact, here's something you can shoot me down with one day.
As to "emerging young talent", here's my three to watch.
Now I'll get mullered for saying they are my "friend", or faves, but hey-ho, it is what it says on the tin - I'm immensely proud that all three make Sky Poker their main poker home. They are all very fine prospects indeed, mark my words.
So are plenty of others, of course......
Even I'm not going to muller you for these 3 picks.
Right then my question is how long on average do you spend playing poker each week? xx
Intresting stuff, keep up the good work!!!
A few questions for you.
How many major mtts have you won on sky poker?
When you first started playing did you lose much?
Has varience affected your game at all?
I hear a lot of people say its a young mans game, but for me its because they dont have the pressures of a mortgage, wife kids etc. Therefore, they can play without fear. It doesnt mean that older people who have a grasp of the fundamentals of poker, the ability to read your opponent and understand the maths of the game cannot succeed.
Unless you are 105 of course, sorry tikay!
Some great questions, 5 pages of them is a lil much for me to catch up on in one go, so appoligies if this has been asked, i think i read to bottom of page 3 will do 4 and 5 in a while.
I know you fully respect your routes in the low stake mtts, and i also know you do play these still as and when you can.
In a tournament like the 2.20 deepie, are their players who you feel could follow you up the levels to stardom and profits? And also what advice would you give them for moving up the MTT ladder and when should they start to move up the chain?
Pardon? Does this warrant one of those man-bag slaps?