In the Well
It's an expression common to Poker Fora, which started, I believe, on 2 + 2 a few years back. I might be wrong there - what's new? - but anyway, it matters not.
I had a light bulb moment today, that we'd do "In the Well" on Sky Poker Community.
What is "In The Well"?
It's basically a question & answer Thread. Originally, now still, I suppose, "In The Well" subjects are famous players, Bracelet Winners. NoseBleed Stakes Online Players, Ledges, etc.
In our case, typically, if we followed custom & practice, it'd be the High-Rollers, the TSP-ers, da de da.
But I think we could do it different, if not better.
In Sky Poker Community, why not invite some of the regular guys, there are so many of them/us on here?
We have some right characters too, if you think about it.
Imagine a Q & A session with, say, TommyD, Penguin7, Dollie, Dohhhhh, Maxally, Stiein, Delta, Hoggers, TRIP5 (well, strike that one, too silly), Plopper, or any number of characters we have here. I've named 6 or 7, but there are dozens of them that spring readily to mind. Or even icons, like "SPT-Rich", aka Tighty - he'd be a belter - or maybe some of the 865 Guests we've had recently? And, if need be, a few of the Balla Boys, too.
So, a bit of everything, a mixture.
Each "Well" lasts about a week, less if it goes "cold". As soon as the subject goes cold, another "In The Well" begins.
The subject gets nominated, & you fire questions at him/her/it. Mainly poker questions, but anything at all, really.
It'll either work, or it will not, it's up to you guys. If it fails, too bad, put that down to me. Better to try & to fail......
I have, in my minds eye, lined up the first 6, not all of whom are on that list I mentioned by any means. That was just examples, & I need the "Well-ers" permission first.
If you have "In The Well" subjects in mind, Post their names on this Thread, please, & we'll see what can be done.
I have the first one ready to rumble. It's a bit of a risky one, but hey-ho.
New "In The Well" Thread imminent.......
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Thewy? Yup, that can be sorted.
But I DO want to make sure we have balance - so whilst Thewy is a great spot - consider it sorted - I want to try it with the regular guys, too.
In fact, as to Thewy, he's the Pro Poker Player Guest on 865's Show on Thursday (tomorrow), & it coincides with my Show Shift, too. How good do I run, being on the telly with Thewy, of all people?
If you have any questions for him tomorrow, whizz them off to & we'll see if we can get him to respond.
Wacko is probably a classic example, I think I have a fair idea of his age, and would probably have a good guess at what sort of thing he does for a living. And I am probably totally wrong. I bet he doesnt really look like his forum picture though !
First: 10/6/2009
Last: 2/3/2011
What do they say about people living in glass houses.......?
As you suggested we need balance, ying and yang Thewy and Rich would that be a good leveller
beaneh + Dohhhhh joint well where they can argue over the correct answer to every question.
As for suggestions, I'd really like to hear from Dollie. I thought he has a marvelous outlook on both the game and life, that being after a short conversation with him last year at a SPT.
Thanks for all the ITW suggestions, all are noted, & all are entirely do-able.
The current ITW - which has exceeded my wildest dreams - will run until it has exhausted the flow of questions, & then I'll start ITW # 2.
ITW requires two things to make it work well - a good subject, & good questions. This one has ticked both boxes.
Keep the suggestions coming please as to the ITW's you'd lke to see.
Plausible ITW nominees so far are......
Rich Orford
Of course, it takes two to tango, & the subject needs to be agreeable to doing it, too, as it's pretty time-consuming if done properly, as Wacko has.
Keep the nominees coming, please.