1) Never overvalue a flush, even the nut flush is vulnerable on a paired board.
2) Select starting hands with potential hi and lo, playing for half the pot is not profitable.
3) When you hit THAT hand get your chips in ASAP, you will be amazed at some of the junk you are called with.
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Penguin, good tips. I would say though that while PLO Hi only is very much about nut/near nut hands and big nut draws, in PLO hi/lo you can loosen a littleas long as you have a good candidate both ways. 100% agree not to over value medium holdings either way (especially low hands) but IMO it's more proceed with caution rather than the 'get out of town' as it can be in PLO High only.
A favourite spot in HiLo is flopping the nuts low, with draws for the high as well. I tend to bet cautiously to build the pot a bit, liking it multiway, so even half the pot is value. The hard bit is when reraised, do you take the risk of being quartered. Sometimes you have to, I think, just to give yourself the chance of the scoopio.
I dont play a lot of PLO high coz I tend to forget its not hilo !
I wish there were more hilo players on here. I often play the daytime tournaments,even the £1 buyins. Great fun and a wonderful group of regulars, just not enough of them.