If you require advice please ask the following 1/ Card odds, pot odds (or any odds in fact) to 1054 decimal places - Ask merenovice 2/ How to play a short Stack - Ask Tikay1/10 (if you are short on time don’t ask about trains, pylons, stations, gasworks or the like) 3/ How to exit a tourney in 2 hands or 1 if you are in a rush –Ask RICHORFORD 3a/ Or if you need to find a sausage see above 4/ Rebuy advice - Ask Maxally 5/ What time is a tourney - Ask Acebarry10 (btw Welcome back ) 6/ How much can I drink before I can’t play anymore - Ask DOHHHHHHH 7/ How to be a Luckbox -Ask Tommyd or Phil12uk 8/ How to bluff with 62o – Ask Dylan12 9/ Whos going to win the Champions League - Ask Hoggers for an unbiased opinion innit 10/ And of course if you need to know how to play AJ ask anyone but LML