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christiannchristiann Member Posts: 468
edited March 2011 in Poker Chat

How’s that for a catchy title ;-) I thought this would be the easiest way to get some regulars reading my tips and therefore increase my chance of some feedback …yes I would love a free SPT seat, I’d go to great lengths ;-)

Anyway here are my general tips that I think could serve you well if used in conjunction with strong notes and in the right situations.

Challenge conventions– E.g. slow playing aces..
Generally raise/re-raise when you have a monster, but mix it up sometimes .Flat call from the blinds, let the aggro button raiser c-bet (it’s etched in his mind, he has to) , smooth call, convince him your drawing, let him fire again thinking he can get you off, extract maximum valuez.

Small PP’s – 3bet them, disguise your hand, take the pot when your opponent misses, think of all the times you’ve called pre and folded when you’ve missed, give yourself the other way to win the pot.

Walk down 4th street – if you 1.Raise pre 2.C-bet a decent draw 3. Get called 4. Miss; - don’t check back the turn for a free river every time, again disguise your hand, make him think you’ve been strong all along, take the pot there or get paid on the river when you flush up.

Thanks for reading :-) *edit -i realise this is way to long and i've wasted my time, i shall try again soon :-)


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