i have a theory and i wanna know what people think
i believe the best players are the ones who have the biggest bankroll and best bankroll management
as i do now believe varients / luck are the biggest contributor in poker as it is essentially a game of chance ,
so this means that bankroll management is the key to outdo the luck / varients
even the best players in the world get cold decks and bad beats
having said that i think the players with the biggest bankrolls have got theyre bankrolls high by playing banroll management the best and abc poker e.g glitterbabe
so really my question is , bankroll managment is actually the far more most important thing skill doesnt even come into it , play abc poker with good bankroll management and you will make a profit over time !!!!
so basically bankroll management + abc poker = profittable player ???
is this true
ps im a donk and play for fun as my bankroll is smaller than the levels i like playing at so should i waiit till i have enough bankroll e.g £1000 to play at 25p 50p levels , this seems to be what would be good bankroll management would be for £1000 but when i play i play at least 50p 100p , i dont enjoy grinding at lower levels as i believe the thrill of winning big at higher levels outways the cost of losing at the same level
discuss !!!!!!......lol
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Yes, variance, Bankroll management, & luck all count.
Don't forget "skill", though. The better players have an edge - not much, but an edge, all the same, & over the longer term, bad players will lose plenty, & skilful players will win a bit.
90% of players neither win a lot, or lose a lot. The other 15% are good at maths.
i have a bankroll of £500 what is the best levels to play cash or dym s ?
I'm well known for moaning about variance, but if two players run the same the better player will make more money. Running well only masks playing badly in the short term, long term you run out of luck.
Bank roll management is only relevant if your a winning player, if your not winning you have a budget for playing, when it expires you must deposit another budget if you want to continue playing.
So in order to have a bankroll first you need to be a winning player and to be a winning player you have to be better than most players who play at your level. In short it is the better players who win long term. It is the fact they are good players that means the have bankrolls, it is not the bankroll that makes them good and profitable players.
Once you have a bank roll managing it well means not playing at a level beyond your roll and not losing large parts of it on non poker activities betting, roulette or otherwise.
Finding a style that suits you is very important. Playing abc might be profitable for some but may not work in your case. Glitterbabe has his style and it works for him, I'm not sure ljamesl could play it, I'd guess he'd be swinging from the ceiling if he was forced to do it for a couple of weeks.
"so basically bankroll management + abc poker = profitable player" YES and No, IMO this should read
abc poker + competent disciplined player = profitable player who has a bankroll because he's winning