I personaly think 10 big blinds is far to low. There is just no room to bluff against these players. I think 50 big blinds should be minimum. If they cant afford these buyins they should go to lower limits What is your thoughts on this?
Personally I don't see why anyone would want to buy into a game for anything other the maximum, my understanding is that you are at a disadvantage at the table if you buy in for less. In my opinion if you can't afford the full buy in you are probably playing at the wrong level (bad bankroll management)
The industry norm seems to be 20bbs as a minimum, cant think of many sites that have 10bbs! It is all a bit silly but doesnt overly bother me. Anyone sitting that short is unlikely to be a winner in the game... and even if they played perfectly the rake wiould soon gobble them up!
I love people who sit with 10BB's, straight away you know they are a weak player, just raise pre, then put them all in on the flop whether you hit or not. Easy game.
^ +1, I don't mind calling the short stacks with marginal hands, what's £5 out of my £50? It's when they top up for another fiver 3 times, why not just sit with £20 on 20nl?!
Thing is your putting alot of emphasis on the bluff. Bluffing and semi bluffing are tools to be used, but shouldnt be your core game. Overall though I agree, I'd never buy in for less than the Maximum. But there are alot of people who specialise in joining a table shallow.
^ +1, I don't mind calling the short stacks with marginal hands, what's £5 out of my £50? It's when they top up for another fiver 3 times, why not just sit with £20 on 20nl?! Posted by jamielou
There is some1 on 50nl at the moment who sits with £5 on about 3 / 4 tables and just waits for any ace (even if its A2) and just shoves all in. If he loses, which he often does, he reloads another £5. My prediction is he won't do it for long....
I like the analogy that edd and james used at the weekend, shortsackers are playing with fun equity.
They like to play most cards and are just having fun, also they are easy to beat..........