Compare and contrast this against the thread about Dollie.
'tis a tad mental.
I know I'm going to be meeting beered up kinda players. I, foolishly, expected a bit of logic with them. But no. It's all "hahahaha u f####n idiot" when they double up their £2.
Well, give me time thinketh I.
But I went on a horrible run. Stacked twice against them. "Hah ha you idiot bandini". As Q3s and 58o broke me. But more fool me for putting them all-in. Lolu wouldn't have called, Glitter wouldn't have. But that wasn't the stakes I was playing. So the fool's me, the idiot's me. I take full responsibility for my actions.
So no complaints about the cards.
But the lack of class? Speech play during hands is allowable during on-line play and ok. But to laugh at someone after stacking them? I always apologise because we're all fans of the same game. No friends at the table but all friends off, surely?
And it's always hit-and-runners. All forum regs are gents. But strangers come and hit lucky. Ok, that's poker. But if you're going to get abusive, stay for the game rather than running away?
I don't actually care. C'est la vie. Why did I write this thread?
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Friday night drunken thread posting.
And he didn't even mentioned Lisa-Marie!