i no a fue on here like myself look on the forum on a monday morning to c who won the night before and have to go through post after post last night we had a winner on the live show but most of the time we don't
i stumble on this the other day my son had used my computer a fue weeks back when he was here i told him to use firefox so not to mess with mine anyway when i opened it a tournament lobby open with it so that got me thinking i can c the ip addy for the page so i tryd it in the address bar and it opened the lobby great so i now no how i can find out who had won i hope im not braking any rules here as the ** r getting bad try this for your salfs
last nights primo
https://www.skypoker.com/secure/poker/sky_lobby?action=go_tnmt_lobby&game_id=4339608last nights vlv
https://www.skypoker.com/secure/poker/sky_lobby?action=go_tnmt_lobby&game_id=4340439as you can c most of the addy is the same only the id on the end needs to change
so for those of u who play a fue of the big games at the same time can keep up to date with both at the same time bye using your browsers
as we all no if you have a lobby open it getting overridden bye clicking on the new one but doing it in the brower
you just open a new link on it and then you hav both
all you need to do is get the game id from the tournament lobby and peast it in to a readme file till you want it the next day
ps sorry about spelling even with spell check no good for me if u cant u cant so i just do my best i just wanted to shair this info with u all lets hope sky will do what some one had asked for and give us a results page but till then i hope this will help u find what you want to no
+1 donkeyplop good call
I've asked for this several times. I'm not online in the evening, often I'm keen to know who won the Main Event what but can't find out. Another way to solve it would be to leave the big tournaments in the main lobby for a few days after they have finished.
I've just had an after-thought, maybe one of us should start a thread titled 'Links for tournament lobbies' (or similar), in this thread people can post links to the lobby of all the big tournaments, just like Tony has above. That way we will have an archive built by the forum members that anybody can search at will.
2nd Edit;
I'm going to start it now.