Ok had a serious run on he HU sng's played over 3k games made just over a grand until last thursday. Ever since its been outdraw after outdraw. I keep telling myself its variance but ive played over 500 games since thursday and this keeps happening. The last straw was getting outdrawed on the river by kj, when i had aj, j came on the flop and surprise surprise k came on the river.
Not enjoying it anymore so perhaps I have overdosed lately. Will be studying for an exam over the next 6 weeks, and need to get away from poker.
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In Response to Cashed out - Bye for now:
First: 19/9/2010
Last: 8/3/2011
Posted by TRIP5
Cheers fella, only problem is im not a student ive been working in Financial Services for over 20 years! In a drive towards professionalism in the industry we all have to reach a minimum level of qualifications by 2012. So poker and study do not mix!
Dohhhh hit it spot on they are so tilting as you can get good runs in them but when the bad comes round it hits hard
See you soon and GL the Arsenal tonight
When I come back I have to work on my table manners, thats one of the other reasons im taking a break apart from that sky jinx button which seems to have been pressed.
Still will be posting in the forum and I have gained entry to the leaguestars freeroll which will be my treat this month.
Dohh for the record from my peak of around 1700 dollars profit I lost about 300 dollars just under 5 days. My playing style hasnt changed until late last night when i was just pushing with pony. So I dont understand why consistent profits have turned, as I said its been outdraw city time and time again since last thursday.
With regards to tilt, I think you can donk a lot more on cash tables.