Do you think a possible call here, instead of an all might have been better at getting value, I know there is a flush draw on the board, but the potential extra chip are quite a lot.. Also, do you think a call would be better move (if hit a set and no draws on the board) against two players (one who has already gone all in)
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceluckotiSmall blind £0.05£0.05£7.88MOVERBig blind £0.10£0.15£15.97c-man1Big blind £0.10£0.25£3.90 Your hole cards22 xingma05Raise £0.50£0.75£4.06c-man1Call £0.40£1.15£3.50BarbarossaFold hamster880Call £0.50£1.65£23.49luckotiFold MOVERCall £0.40£2.05£15.57Flop 925 MOVERCheck xingma05Check c-man1Check hamster880Bet £0.60£2.65£22.89MOVERRaise £2.23£4.88£13.34xingma05All-in £4.06£8.94£0.00c-man1Fold hamster880All-in(CALL HERE, INSTEAD OF ALL IN)£22.89£31.83£0.00MOVERFold hamster880Unmatched bet £19.43£12.40£19.43xingma05ShowAQ hamster880Show22 Turn J River 5 hamster880WinFull House, 2s and 5s£11.47 £30.90
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