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Suggestions Competition!!!! - 'YOU SAY- WE PAY'



  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited September 2009
    How about televising a few double your money games during a break in the open, much like they did with the cash tables, the bubble play would make great t.v. and if you can televise a russian roulette game (which they did recently for a bit of fun) then why not other games.
    Many players (myself included) never play the Open due to BR management rules and this may give other players a chance to showcase their talents.
    Obviously the more chance of a bit of t.v. time should bring more players to the site.
  • Grimstar30Grimstar30 Member Posts: 1,400
    edited September 2009
    Birthday Freerolls or something like that.

    Get an invite/password on your birthday and then play for prizes against fellow birthday ppl. Probably to make the field larger it should be done by your birthday week. Then you will prob have fields of 50+ I should think.

  • general1general1 Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2009
    hows about sky holds 1tounry a year for a chance 2 win a job as a skypoker presenter with a 6figure pay!
    last 1 year max! so evety year sky poker has a new presenter
  • PILLOWMANPILLOWMAN Member Posts: 1,165
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: Suggestions Competition!!!! - 'YOU SAY- WE PAY':
    hows about sky holds 1tounry a year for a chance 2 win a job as a skypoker presenter with a 6figure pay! last 1 year max! so evety year sky poker has a new presenter
    Posted by general1
    Better still as a poker analyst , that way i can work with the lovely , miss sarah c. .....  RICH ,WHAT'S THE PASSWORD ....
  • scarletscarlet Member Posts: 24
    edited September 2009
    I got a chat ban which was suppose to end in OCT I was slow rolled twice by the same player and lost the plot.  I should have not rose to it but did.  What I wrote was awful but SKY said I had a three month ban now its a LIFE BAN after I asked about it the other day!  I pulled over 2K from the site and next week when my bets are finished I shall leave.  Sky have lied to me.  It's funny I have no chat but get called the C word all the time.  Why not ban them?  WHat I said was really out of order but this is too much.  I have been lied to and cannot trust sky with my money.  ps they didn't even tell me about the ban I had to ask what the problem was.
  • general1general1 Member Posts: 19
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: Suggestions Competition!!!! - 'YOU SAY- WE PAY':
    I got a chat ban which was suppose to end in OCT I was slow rolled twice by the same player and lost the plot.  I should have not rose to it but did.  What I wrote was awful but SKY said I had a three month ban now its a LIFE BAN after I asked about it the other day!  I pulled over 2K from the site and next week when my bets are finished I shall leave.  Sky have lied to me.  It's funny I have no chat but get called the C word all the time.  Why not ban them?  WHat I said was really out of order but this is too much.  I have been lied to and cannot trust sky with my money.   ps they didn't even tell me about the ban I had to ask what the problem was.
    Posted by scarlet
    dude that is some serious chit! lol... use some fancy words in stead.. like a CUCUMBERHEAD, KING-JHONNY.             PETAL-JOINTS.  u cant go wrong pal!! i say it all the time.. it pissess them off but eh i never swore!
  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: Suggestions Competition!!!! - 'YOU SAY- WE PAY':
    I got a chat ban which was suppose to end in OCT I was slow rolled twice by the same player and lost the plot.  I should have not rose to it but did.  What I wrote was awful but SKY said I had a three month ban now its a LIFE BAN after I asked about it the other day!  I pulled over 2K from the site and next week when my bets are finished I shall leave.  Sky have lied to me.  It's funny I have no chat but get called the C word all the time.  Why not ban them?  WHat I said was really out of order but this is too much.  I have been lied to and cannot trust sky with my money.   ps they didn't even tell me about the ban I had to ask what the problem was.
    Posted by scarlet
    I know your probably very upset but why cut and paste this post onto every thread? I think we have the message that your leaving. Shut the door on your way out, Autumns coming and there's a draft.
    No place for abuse on the tables in my opinion, just the sign of a poor player/bad loser.

    p.s. General, edit your post before the mods get on your back!
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited September 2009
    To help deal with player abuse how about an enhancement to the table software that allows players to 'Report Abuse' directly from the game. The table software can then submit the necessary info to Customer Services rather than the player having to dig it out manually.
    It would make it more obvious to those who don't realise that they can contact someone IF they suffer abuse.
  • PILLOWMANPILLOWMAN Member Posts: 1,165
    edited September 2009
    In Response to Re: Suggestions Competition!!!! - 'YOU SAY- WE PAY':
    To help deal with player abuse how about an enhancement to the table software that allows players to 'Report Abuse' directly from the game. The table software can then submit the necessary info to Customer Services rather than the player having to dig it out manually. It would make it more obvious to those who don't realise that they can contact someone IF they suffer abuse.
    Posted by NoseyBonk
          + + +  YES PLEASE
  • ANDYJKSANDYJKS Member Posts: 4
    edited September 2009
    Hi, Sky guys,
    Could your techies go to work on the idea of making webcams active on certain tables - for those skilled enough to keep a poker face when they're shoving all in with 9-2o?
    Seriously, it might be fun to see who you're playing...
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited October 2009
    how about setting up a special team of experts that could help out the technical team when issues that they cant cope with arise---such as technical ones
  • apollo_11apollo_11 Member Posts: 969
    edited October 2009
    I would like to see small priced deepstack saterlites for those of us who cannot afford to enter direct due to bankroll.
    I would also like to see a league just for the players who only play in the small 30p, 60p STT or on the 2p 4p cash tables.
    We have no chance of getting anywhere in the main league so it would be nice to have a league of our own.
    Why not have seperate leagues for different buy ins and the top 10 of each play in a monthy tournament.
  • Sky_RichSky_Rich Member Posts: 3,837
    edited October 2009
    thanks for all your great suggestions guys. i have handed them all over to the poker team for judging. we will announce the winners later on today!

    good luck everyone!
  • bail178bail178 Member Posts: 8
    edited October 2009

           How about.... letting everyone and i mean everyone, who plays the "supersix" on saturdays, enter the"SUPERSIX FREEROLL" instead the tourney quotes "anyone who plays the supersix" to then find out that it is by "INVITATION" only,Last saturday i was not invited or had an e-mail, the password was in the tournament lobby. Therefore could you please sort this problem out.

                                               your faithful disgruntled servant.
  • Sky_RichSky_Rich Member Posts: 3,837
    edited October 2009
    ok guys.... the results are in!!!!!

    first of all we'd like to say a massive thank you for all the fantastic suggestions we've had from you over the last few weeks. there have been some really great ideas and we will definitely look to implement a selection of these in the future. we love this level of interaction and of course this is what the community is all about! long may it continue.

    right enough of my waffle.... bring on the results!

    drum roll - for those who didn't get it ;)

    in joint 3rd place (as they posted very similar ideas)

    razorkev and COCASIRF who suggested having a nations tournament. £10 to both of you.

    2nd place (£20) goes to THESWISS who suggested the idea of winning the chance to spend the afternoon with a poker pro.

    and finally....

    can i add another nice drum picture?! perhaps not...

    1st place and a whopping £50 goes to oynutter who had the idea of a 'nutters only tournament---1 chip---two choices --all in or fold'

    well done guys and i hope you enjoy the prizes (they are in your account now)

    we will look to implement the 1st placed idea soon and the others in the coming months.... so watch this space.

    more fantastic community competitions coming soon!

    over and out

  • mr_mbromr_mbro Member Posts: 1,152
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: Suggestions Competition!!!! - 'YOU SAY- WE PAY':
    ok guys.... the results are in!!!!! first of all we'd like to say a massive thank you for all the fantastic suggestions we've had from you over the last few weeks. there have been some really great ideas and we will definitely look to implement a selection of these in the future. we love this level of interaction and of course this is what the community is all about! long may it continue. right enough of my waffle.... bring on the results! drum roll - for those who didn't get it ;) in joint 3rd place (as they posted very similar ideas) razorkev and COCASIRF who suggested having a nations tournament. £10 to both of you. 2nd place goes to THESWISS who suggested the idea of winning the chance to spend the afternoon with a poker pro. and finally.... can i add another nice drum picture?! perhaps not... 1st place and a whopping £50 goes to oynutter who had the idea of a 'nutters only tournament---1 chip---two choices --all in or fold' well done guys and i hope you enjoy the prizes (they are in your account now) we will look to implement the 1st placed idea soon and the others in the coming months.... so watch this space. more fantastic community competitions coming soon! over and out
    Posted by Sky_Rich
    Hi Rich,
    Let me say congratulations to oynutter.
    When i first started to play online, the site i played had these and in my humble opinion, THEY ARE GARBAGE,
    a total waste of money and if you ever notice my registration in them(in a drunken moment) you have my permission to empty my account, shave my head and shove a chicken up my bum and parade me in the high street of your choice.
    If you price these at more than 10p entry it will be to much.
    You have more chance or skill doing the lottery.
    But on a positive note if you like a complete gamble, then fill your boots
  • Sky_DaveSky_Dave Member Posts: 3,288
    edited October 2009
    The idea is that we have a one off which is a £50 buy in and Kev does his money that way ;)

    That is of course a joke, I don't know what they're planning on doing in terms of buy-ins, but on a lighter note, they are a bit of fun. Obviuosly it's a way of blowing off some steam and having a flutter but if flipping is good enough for Phil Ivey (who is basically God), then we can't be too bad for indulging in a bit of 1 chip poker.

  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited October 2009
    CHEERS RICH AND TEAM--this idea was only suggested for a laugh ---but the more i thought about it, the funnier it sounded--dont worry mr mbro--how can a freeroll be a waste of money?--its just a laugh thats all--and i think it could be a very successful laugh--also would be able to do this freeroll without taking up quite so much valuable data space on the server---even if sky decide to do a buy in one--would be a great craic imo--and also would provide us all with a list of nutters--lol---anyway--thanks loads rich and sky---NICE ONE X---
  • Grimstar30Grimstar30 Member Posts: 1,400
    edited October 2009
    Well done to the winners.

    Darn it I was not playing any poker relying on winning this lol...

    On a serious note, maybe off to casino tomorrow for first ever live cash game.. bring it.
  • diablo_pezdiablo_pez Member Posts: 1,392
    edited October 2009
    In Response to Re: Suggestions Competition!!!! - 'YOU SAY- WE PAY':
    CHEERS RICH AND TEAM--this idea was only suggested for a laugh ---but the more i thought about it, the funnier it sounded--dont worry mr mbro--how can a freeroll be a waste of money?--its just a laugh thats all--and i think it could be a very successful laugh--also would be able to do this freeroll without taking up quite so much valuable data space on the server---even if sky decide to do a buy in one--would be a great craic imo--and also would provide us all with a list of nutters--lol---anyway--thanks loads rich and sky---NICE ONE X---
    Posted by oynutter
    Think i'll stick to my Russian Roulette's ur idea is for nutters
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