just played ed giddins twice and i think he was takin the p**s tbh. telling me im playing to high and that im a bad loser then disconnecting telling me im going to win cos his mouse is broken then he comes back and wins it?? Posted by 9991
basically, he pwned you. Get over it.
I was railing and Ed wasn't taking the pee, he was just informing you of his technical difficulties with his mouse.
In Response to expect it from a normal player but not a presenter : basically, he pwned you. Get over it. I was railing and Ed wasn't taking the pee, he was just informing you of his technical difficulties with his mouse. Posted by GREGHOGG
Sorry you felt this 9991, I genuinly had trouble with my mouse it froze on me, I logged out then back in again and it then worked. Happy to play again if you wish, Im always up for banter at the tables.
just played ed giddins twice and i think he was takin the p**s tbh. telling me im playing to high and that im a bad loser then disconnecting telling me im going to win cos his mouse is broken then he comes back and wins it?? Posted by 9991
Played on the table with Ed a couple of times and railed quite often, and tbh he's never less than genuine so can't see him taking the pee at all
just played ed giddins twice and i think he was takin the p**s tbh. telling me im playing to high and that im a bad loser then disconnecting telling me im going to win cos his mouse is broken then he comes back and wins it?? Posted by 9991
Seems about even as your Shift/Caps Lock keys are clearly faulty.
no worries, just seemed like you wer takin the pee abit but its all good ..... cant play you at the moment unfortunately but will some other time Posted by 9991
In Response to Re: expect it from a normal player but not a presenter : Sorry you felt this 9991, I genuinly had trouble with my mouse it froze on me, I logged out then back in again and it then worked. Happy to play again if you wish, Im always up for banter at the tables. Posted by EdGiddins
sigh why couldnt it have frozen during my last hand lol
9991! pot kettle mate! i have played u plenty of times and 1 time i disconnect you r@ped the blinds and i totally didnt expect that from someone i played often when playing heads up
I was railing and Ed wasn't taking the pee, he was just informing you of his technical difficulties with his mouse.
so can't see him taking the pee at all
sigh why couldnt it have frozen during my last hand lol
wp Ed
WP gidzo ur a ledge!