Satellite Tourneys will start to settle as soon as everyone has won their seat to the next Level.
There will be SOME exceptions to this - VLV Finals, for example, where the "left over" money is apportioned 3 ways.
This change has not yet been implemented 100% - the changes will "roll-in" during the next few days, to ensure nobody who has pre-qualified for one finds the rules have changed.
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However, it does now open up another 'problem' that Sky poker still has. These sats will only work to their full potential IF and WHEN Sky introduce H4H, esp if the tables are not level in numbers.
I understand that improvements are gradually getting there on Sky but feel that this is an area which should be high up on the 'to do list'
Hate playing short stacked on short handed table,
when other table(s) are full, playing on timer.
Cheers for the support on this Red and TOS. Glad its not just me who feels this is a must for Sky.
However, no courtesy shown to me by a way of a reply so it seems only the 'selected few' can have opinions on here!
Just a side issue I'd like to point out
There will be SOME exceptions to this - VLV Finals, for example, where the "left over" money is apportioned 3 ways.
In future, will the 3 way chop be available only if there are more than 2 'left over' BIs. Last month there was only 1 BI left over, which meant a 500/300/200 chop....I know a couple of people bought in direct for 1.1k into this and I would be pretty annoyed that at the very least my BI wasn't available to win back.
You never asked a question, you simply made a comment, it did not need or seek a reply. I tried to answer every question yesterday, but there were scores of "comments" that were juist that - "comments". Your Post was a comment, not a question. I can't & don't reply to every "comment".
You continually suggest I don't show "courtesy", but if you ask a straight question, & leave out the cryptic stuff, you'll get a straight answer from me. You always have, & you always will, & so has everyone else.
There are no "selected few", everyone is treated with equal respect & good manners.
We need to put this to bed. You have my phone number (it's in the signature at the foot of the e-Mails I send you), give me a ring, please, & then we can try & get to the bottom of your clear concerns with Sky Poker, & all the complaints you have voiced recently. It will be much quicker that way. I look forward to a constructive call.
Alan has my phone number, my e-Mail address, & my PM address both here & next door. If he has a problem with how I handle his Posts, he just needs to contact me directly. This continual knocking needs to stop.
I hope he rings me today, & we can sort all this out, & move on.
Yes, I'm well aware of your current angst against Sky Poker. I did get a copy of that PM you sent, after which I discussed it with Bernard, & I said to Bernard "OK, I'll ring Alan, I'm sure we can sort all this out". That was 2 or days ago, & I've been a little busy since then, so I had not got round to it. Your terse comment on the Thread reminded me, that's all. You'll be quite surprised at the outcome of that PM, by the way - the answer is not at all what you might expect. So that is part of the purpose of the phone call - to discuss the grievance you aired in the e-Mail. I'd also like to discuss your complaint on this Thread.
It is the sort of thing that comes across better in the spoken word, rather than in writing, hence I felt this was a good opportunity to discuss the matter you PM'd Bernard about, (cc to me), & other stuff.
It's up to you. You have a grievance - some of it is perfectly justified, some of it is not - but boils need bursting, & I'm offering to chat with you to help clear it up, so we can move forward. This continual niggling because you have issues with Sky Poker does not solve anything. A phone call would, & then we can all move on, & have babies & things.
It can all be solved in a single phone call, & nobody has to, as you suggest, win or lose. Bernard has mandated me to deal with the PM you sent, & I'd prefer to do so by telephone.
PS - Bernard wrote to you privately & suggested you had been previously warned for Community misdemeanours & attitude. That, in fact, was wholly incorrect, & we apologise for that 100%. You had not been previously warned, & we regret suggesting as much, even though it was said privately, via PM.
Feel free to call me so we can deal with all the other issues you mention in your latest Post.