Bounty Hunters are incredibly popular on Sky Poker, deep analysis of player stats have proven this conclusively.
It is now possible to have Rebuy Bounty Hunters, & these will start being added to the Tournament Schedule over the next few days. If they prove popular, more & a wider variety will be added. If they don't, they won't......
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10% rake please, these are unlikely to work if it's 15% on buy-in and rebuys.
there is no good reason to take 15%
snowball tornaments were good fun
like lots have said, can you look at putting the rake on the lower level BHs to 10pc, in line with every poker room.
I'm making a run for the top spot of the TSP MTT league during the last couple of weeks, and I really really hate playing the 5.75BHs cos of the totally ridiculous rake. it just doesn't make sense at all. if your gonna charge 15pc on low level BHs, then surely charge 15pc on all other tournies too?
Dylansdad91700 neil4safc1660 NickyR1615 Elwoodblue1520 NoFinAce1355 barfoot121290 dappadon1270 GaryQQQ1145 baldysteve1140 0319801085 Oldrag935 Lizthebiz720 FILIPSEBO4562tornadofoz059steviepick050spam600065scott_kat063rodwell049pumpkin23052poole10055igiorni053diamoangel064chipcrushe054aussie09058StayOrGo057Smiler01061P_Apples056POKOMAINIA066KEVMAC10060FloppyJo20051FLORIDA0
I expect the software changes have messed with your pre-set default settings.
If I click sort, to the placement number, the chip count goes random.
It used to be sorted in order of chip count and placement at the same time.
Hope this can get sorted.. (its the same with BH and Freeze out)
If I click "RANK", rank sorts in order, but the chip count goes random.
If I click "CHIPS" the rank goes random.
It used to be in order of both at the same time.
OK guys, I can't explain that, I have no explanation, & it's fine for me.
Adam has had a hectic 24 hours, with all the overnight changes & stuff, & so is not currently available, but I'll send this Thread to him, & he'll comment in due course.
Hopefully, you'll be able to live with it for 24 hours.