In Response to Re: WHY ARE BOUNTY HUNTERS SO POPULAR ON SKY? : How many all ins do you think will be in the first 6 hands of a bh rebuy with 100 entries? Posted by The_Don90
If it's after midnight with say 17-20 tables ( average 3 all-ins per table on 1st hand alone) = total carnage and quickest 100 player tourney to finish ever imho.
I can't wait for the rebuy bounty hunters (if they're at the lower buy-ins). Low buy-in bounty hunters and low buy-in rebuys are both profitable for me here, I reckon a combination of the two might be even better. It'll be great when you KO a donk and watch him rebuy straight back in, you'll be able to keep taking a bounty off the same player again and again. Also if half of the field never re-buy or add-on under any circumstances (as is the case in the existing non-bounty re-buys), skilled players who are fully prepared to re-buy and add-on will have a big advantage that will enable them to take the bubble prizes even more often than they do now. Bring it on!
I saw that but i dont generally play through thos hours mates
My point is as i have put still lack of tourneys within £3-£5 range also 4pm MTT daily they should have
the schedule is getting much better though so thank you but obviously dont ask dont get, also accidentally bolded it all so have enlarged once i wanted boldedd
I enjoy playing Bount Hunters because, i dont think i have what it takes to get to final table or even make the cash, but in Bounty Hunters i can win money with out getting to final 6 ect. But i think it is most peoples view.
Well start a thread mate, I got the 2.20 deep stack going by starting a thread to promote the idea, then I spammed the cash tables to get the numbers up, now it runs every day, just get a thread with lots of people saying they would play it, Tikay or Bernie will see it, and bobs yer teapot innit
I enjoy playing Bount Hunters because, i dont think i have what it takes to get to final table or even make the cash, but in Bounty Hunters i can win money with out getting to final 6 ect. But i think it is most peoples view. Posted by shaun09
Hi Shaun, personnally, I think you would be better off working on the reason you don't make many final tables, thing is with the bounty hunter format, you don't really get a chance to work on your game because the vast majority of your decisions are very easy, ie call for your stack or fold. Why not try the 2.20 deep stacks, where you have plenty of proper poker play and a chance to really work at your game, there is one at 2.20pm today, shout up if you want some tips on playing these, one thing I'll say is, If you can learn a good enough game to cash in these, then you will have a very good footing to be a winning player--gl--floppa whoppa!
In Response to Re: WHY ARE BOUNTY HUNTERS SO POPULAR ON SKY? : You defo have a point about the nightowl schedule! But im not sure if many people want to play mtts at those times anyway?? As the site grows more and more they might obv. With regard to other peak times. there are loads of non bounty hunter tourneys, ok maybe there could be a couple more standard nlhe, but the BH's wont be removed/reduced as they are far too popular!!! Posted by GREGHOGG
well they want to play them on other pokersites,all night every night,phaps its coz us brits gotta go 2 bed early so we can get up for work...
I saw that but i dont generally play through thos hours mates My point is as i have put still lack of tourneys within £3-£5 range also 4pm MTT daily they should have the schedule is getting much better though so thank you but obviously dont ask dont get, also accidentally bolded it all so have enlarged once i wanted boldedd Posted by YOUNG_GUN
this could be controversial, there used to be 2 around that time,
i registered here from the start and ther was many a day i played tourneys at 15:50 and 16:10 that cost £5.50 to enter, since the inclusion of bounty hunters these tourneys disappeared.
that was about about 2 year ago, these tourneys were £200 gtd and almost always got their number but bonty hunters were flavour of the day back then, so much so almost every 5er torney became a bounty hunter, main reason i stopped playing on sky.
sky like them but personally i think they have forced them on us thru limited choice.
the way i view it is, im the consumer if i dont like i go elsewhere
In Response to Re: WHY ARE BOUNTY HUNTERS SO POPULAR ON SKY? : this could be controversial, there used to be 2 around that time, i registered here from the start and ther was many a day i played tourneys at 15:50 and 16:10 that cost £5.50 to enter, since the inclusion of bounty hunters these tourneys disappeared. that was about about 2 year ago, these tourneys were £200 gtd and almost always got their number but bonty hunters were flavour of the day back then, so much so almost every 5er torney became a bounty hunter, main reason i stopped playing on sky. sky like them but personally i think they have forced them on us thru limited choice. the way i view it is, im the consumer if i dont like i go elsewhere Posted by TINTIN
Well said Tintin man, personally I think sky promote this format because they are fast games, the punters often win a small bit back and they stay interested, it's a way to keep dodgy players playing, give them the odd biscuit innit
In Response to Re: WHY ARE BOUNTY HUNTERS SO POPULAR ON SKY? : Well said Tintin man, personally I think sky promote this format because they are fast games, the punters often win a small bit back and they stay interested, it's a way to keep dodgy players playing, give them the odd biscuit innit Posted by oynutter
obvs. so why are all these 'proper' players against them lol. you do realise that the hand rankings in standard MTT and BHs are the same. if they are so woeful then play them lol
Oynutter yeah i do need to work on my game, But i enjoy the thursday Bh because i can try a week in advance to sattilite into it, I cant afford to buy stright in, i normally get in thursdays BH if i try and that is where i make my money, I hardly play the small mtt, as i want to win big amounts lol. I know if i get into the thursdays one or even the monday BH i can make a decent profit,
I need to workon ym cash game b4 MTT events. As i seem to have a big leak atm in cash
I saw that but i dont generally play through thos hours mates

My point is as i have put still lack of tourneys within £3-£5 range also 4pm MTT daily they should have
the schedule is getting much better though so thank you but obviously dont ask dont get, also accidentally bolded it all so have enlarged once i wanted boldedd
i registered here from the start and ther was many a day i played tourneys at 15:50 and 16:10 that cost £5.50 to enter, since the inclusion of bounty hunters these tourneys disappeared.
that was about about 2 year ago, these tourneys were £200 gtd and almost always got their number but bonty hunters were flavour of the day back then, so much so almost every 5er torney became a bounty hunter, main reason i stopped playing on sky.
sky like them but personally i think they have forced them on us thru limited choice.
the way i view it is, im the consumer if i dont like i go elsewhere
obvs. so why are all these 'proper' players against them lol. you do realise that the hand rankings in standard MTT and BHs are the same. if they are so woeful then play them lol
they are a lot of fun plus its nice to take a head or 2
I need to workon ym cash game b4 MTT events. As i seem to have a big leak atm in cash