I just took a bad beat - I won't bore you with details but it was a standard two-outer being hit on river after chips went in on the turn.
After thinking it was a poor play I checked out their Sharkscope and now I'm going to bed happy knowing playing like that doesn't get rewarded in the long term.
I don't check Sharkscope often but I've never seen such a nice straight line over so many games. Has anyone got better examples?
I played a hand against you in the £33 BH on thursday night, it was in the later stages, blinds were 400/800 with one UTG limper, i raised in the CO to 3200 & you shoved in the BB for about 16000, its been bugging me can i ask what you had ??????? pretty pleeeeeeeease lol
Dont think i will get a good nights sleep until i get an answer lol
I had AK but did not need a race at best at this stage.
Anyway, you're right, it would have been a coinflip and I was just ahead. I guess mathematically after putting your 3200 in the pot you had the odds and should have called? I appreciate the respect you gave me by folding.
I don't know how to properly post a hand history but this screen grab, once approved, will show you it was JJ....
As my image hasn't been approved (not sure why as name isn't shown) I thought I'd draw what it looks like so my post has some meaning.
0 -
Basically, over 8000 games the player has made over $20,000 loss :-o
I don't understand how anyone can lose that much. I would just give up, it can't be fun if you're 20k down.