Bad beats are part of the game. Its obvious theses people moaning about bad beats don't play live. I was playing at my local poker club last sunday: £50 buyin 10,000 stack and 40 min clock 60 players max: and the bad beats on that day was unreal. Player A went allin with 2 3 player B calls with K K turn 2 river 2 player B went out. Player A raises my big blind I shove with 6 6 player A calls with K K flop comes 10 6 6 I double up. 3 players left I have A Q player A shoves with K 9 flop comes 10 J K ( great i say ) turn comes 9 river K. I finish in 3rd for £525. There was many more that day.
So next time your A A gets beat by K K please keep it to yourself and stop saying sky poker or online poker is rigged.
thank you

ps We have a £100 buyin with 15000 starting stack on the 3rd of april if anyone up north is interested?
I moan about bad beats, infact im probably the worst for it, but i probably moan more about live bad beats than online ones.
I think live poker is rigged too anyway. I was playing the other night and got all in with AK and lost to somebody who called me with Q-10. Flop came Q-4-8. I must have been a MASSIVE favourite before the flop too, gotta be something funny going on there.
Can I tell you about it Do or Die?
In Response to STOP MOANING:
Really opened a thread to moan at people to stop moaning? If you have an issue with other people expressing their opinions and experiences it seems like the easiest thing in the world to not go out of your way to read them? Telling poker players not to discuss bad beats is like telling the sun not to rise, your post is pretty childish and naive.
There's this little known collection of tournaments called the world series of poker. There's this pretty cool new business thats grown around it. There's actually a booth/desk you can go to discuss your bad beat/tournament exit in. I guess the people that set up the service are just dumb too huh?
So stop moaning about people moaning.
Made me feel good expresing my angry opinion, Was I wrong? Maybe I am and Do or die doesnt have the right to his opinion.
Maybe Amybrs opinion is somehow more valid than do or dies,
Who knows
For me, People who think skypoker is rigged are pluggs. People who moan about bad beats are weak.
Thats my opinion and im sticking to it untill someone convinces me otherwise.
hey beaney..
Fair enough, it does happen live too - naturally. Also yes people moaning that online poker is rigged when there 60 - 80% hands dont hold is frustrating. But beyond that their are many people who have very informed discussion/debate in regard to software and RNG's. If you are SAP (serious about poker) and primarily play online then think its pretty foolhardy not to have all the information at hand
People who debate this are looked upon with such biased derision. When all they are doing is exercising their right to question a product. I've been quite critical of people in the past who state "If you think its rigged, dont play". But I've pretty much subscribed to that philosophy now. But there's nothing wrong with discussing it in an open sincere way.
I wish people would stop moaning about people moaning...

Everything that you have put forward so far is spurious and nit picky, To make big claims you need good evidence not supposing evidence, your rng discussion only proved that random number generators arnt perfect and you seem to hold skypoker to account for that.
You probably understand that rngs are as close to reality as we can manage with current technology And yet you still try to instill doubt into players who might listen to you.
You are however entitled to your opinion however unfair it might be to the corporate provider(Skypoker) Whitch you so readily use.
I am also entitled to my opinion in That im sick of hearing you bumping on endlessly putting doubt into inexperienced players and dashing thier hopes before they have a chance to develope a winning game.
To summarize One or two posts making your concerns known wouldv been normal and probably informative, week in week out spoiling is just plain annoying.