Hi I know i won this hand, but i think in retrospect maybe i was been a little greedy with the betting and the person may have flopped a flush in this situation and be slowplaying. Do you guys think a bit more cautious betting, esp after the turn call would be safer...
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancetekocSmall blind £0.10£0.10£43.42hamster880Big blind £0.20£0.30£12.25 Your hole cards59 xxxxxCall £0.20£0.50£17.90wn1wn1Fold dogcharlieFold Headup2Fold tekocCall £0.10£0.60£43.32hamster880Check Flop 589 tekocCheck hamster880Bet £0.60£1.20£11.65xxxxCall £0.60£1.80£17.30tekocCall £0.60£2.40£42.72Turn 4 tekocCheck hamster880Bet £2.40£4.80£9.25xxxxxCall £2.40£7.20£14.90tekocFold River A hamster880Bet £7.20£14.40£2.05xxxxxCall £7.20£21.60£7.70hamster880Show59 xxxxxMuck1010 hamster880WinTwo Pairs, 9s and 5s£20.52 £22.5
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