I,ve not bee losing huge amounts but I,m having more losing sessions than winning ones - i can,t go back to 24/4p as its to frustrating and Iwant to improve my game
I,ve started playing a few HU matches on another site just for 10 dollars and although I used to consider it one of weak points , through practsising on forum competitions my Hu play is much improved
i don,t know whether to play more HU matches on here or stick at the 5p/10p until my reults start getting better as i would prefer to be a winning cash player than at anything else.
My MTT form isnt bad and I think its only a matter of time before I win a decent one , but I can,t rely on that
Any help for my cash predicament ?- plz advise away
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what helped me and im playing same levels are u at mo, is i played DYM non stop for about 3 days or more and since i have done cash since i have a different mindset and am doing well at the mo. i dunno why it is but maybe that could work?
HU alot of variance imo when u run good u can win alot but same for when u run bad better 2 or more tabling cash
Was playing this afternoon and YOUNG_GUN showed up on my table,now imo that ruined the dynamics of the table as he as at least the same ability as myself and so i left the table.
Time to give up 4 life I reckon!
Limping all the time
HeHe - I'm in for it when he reads this
dont hate the player hate the game .........
Thats true
i think playing MTT,s or even sattelites I,m possibly get used to playing to aggro as it can work for me there, but maybe not in cash and will try to adapt and maybe some DYM,s - Cheers
Decided to go against all advice and went to 10p/20p 2 tabling - result - lost £50
Thought I would go back to £5 DYM,s for a bit as at least the swings arnt so great and get some confidence back
Then this happens