Hi Phil, hope you had a good b'day on Monday. Sadly, I can't do the freeroll tonight as I'm working- but rest assured, had I played it I would have won it.
Hope to catch up with you on the SPT soon, maybe Cardiff, Leeds or Nottingham.
Was late getting back...saw 2 shiney jacks and 3 bet, or was it 4...either way It ended up AIPF and I ran into AA of Small Dog Ooooops!!!!! Terrible play by me but hey-ho ;oD
Hope you had a super smashing birthdayy pal, I know i'm a bit late but i've not been on line for a few days boooooooooo
lippylittleba**ards (in lower AND upper case) is NOT the password.
Happy B'day Phil and thank you for the invite, duly accepted :-) xx
i hope to repay you with the same one day,
your very own MTT what a great idea, so whos next
great tourney and awesome gesture, enjoyed my tables if only MTT's were this easy all the time :P
Was late getting back...saw 2 shiney jacks and 3 bet, or was it 4...either way It ended up AIPF and I ran into AA of Small Dog Ooooops!!!!! Terrible play by me but hey-ho ;oD
Hope you had a super smashing birthdayy pal, I know i'm a bit late but i've not been on line for a few days boooooooooo
Everyone else
Made a mistake early on and never recovered - was good fun tho - enjoyed it
was just looking at the lobby - A top class field
GL everyone left
Jodey ftw!