Did my dissertation on the impact of learning styles within pedagogy, which is in fact the principles/methods of instruction/teaching; so, guess pedagog Ben is a teacher...?
A pedagogue is a teacher. The peda part comes from the Greek rather than the Latin (where pes, pedis does mean foot) and is a corruption of the word pais, paidos meaning child and can be seen in other English words such as paediatrician or peadophile
A pedagogue is a teacher. The peda part comes from the Greek rather than the Latin (where pes, pedis does mean foot) and is a corruption of the word pais, paidos meaning child and can be seen in other English words such as paediatrician or peadophile Posted by tempusfuge
hi tempus... so are you telling me that in rome, as opposed to greece, a paedophile someone who likes feet?
Armed with Sara Underwood's top tip (and her google image search) I took just the one bounty tonight (would have had Scotty's too if he wasn't such a golden fish).
Onto my question for Barry....
I'm a journalist and poker player myself, and have been writing about poker for about 6 months now. Can you teach me/let me write for PN.com?
why are we min raising if we are just gonna snap call a reshove. we cant be ahead of any 3bet shoving range so therefore the best way to play Q9 is to open shove on the button.
re the Q9 was played horrific. why are we min raising if we are just gonna snap call a reshove. we cant be ahead of any 3bet shoving range so therefore the best way to play Q9 is to open shove on the button. Posted by scotty77
id snap call a shove with a10, its too strong a hand in that spot
I agree that Q9 is a shove or fold there. But, he is 1k richer than me so fair play to him
ty to all the railers tonight. Im amazed i got so far, the last ft i made was like in 1992
Hi James/Tikay and my namesake Barry Carter.
Did my dissertation on the impact of learning styles within pedagogy, which is in fact the principles/methods of instruction/teaching; so, guess pedagog Ben is a teacher...?
Cracking show by the way.
Dan Carter (dtm75) Leeds
A pedagogue is a teacher. The peda part comes from the Greek rather than the Latin (where pes, pedis does mean foot) and is a corruption of the word pais, paidos meaning child and can be seen in other English words such as paediatrician or peadophile
are you looking at vlv hands?
if so ... first hand out! ...
Hand History #352799555
... with hindsight i would play it differently, of course, but what would you three say?Armed with Sara Underwood's top tip (and her google image search) I took just the one bounty tonight (would have had Scotty's too if he wasn't such a golden fish).
Onto my question for Barry....
I'm a journalist and poker player myself, and have been writing about poker for about 6 months now. Can you teach me/let me write for PN.com?
why are we min raising if we are just gonna snap call a reshove. we cant be ahead of any 3bet shoving range so therefore the best way to play Q9 is to open shove on the button.
good show james & tikay.
I agree that Q9 is a shove or fold there. But, he is 1k richer than me so fair play to him
ty to all the railers tonight. Im amazed i got so far, the last ft i made was like in 1992
Any chance you can post the HH here or in the clinic to discuss?