Desperately Seeking Lisa-Marie - have you seen this girl, she appears to be missing in action from 865?
Who's That Girl I hear you ask?
Well it's no Shanghai Surprise that she's the very popular presenter on the Sky Poker TV channel.
In fact, although the Sky Poker presenters are in A League Of Their Own, Lisa-Marie is in A League Of Her Own.
If you spot Lisa-Marie on the Sky Poker TV Channel then we can all tell D1ck Tracy he can stop his investigation.
Don't Cry For Me Arg... Sky Poker Community, I'm sure Lisa-Marie will be back soon...
Can u not put it to a musical backing track ?
I Suggest 'Lady in Red', for me & Barry please !!!!
imo it would be
OMG, how disturbing is that.
Maybe i should contact the authorities and take out a restraining order to stop this care in the community escapee from coming within 1000 yards of me.
Sorry maybe i'm missing something but i can't understand the question in relation to my post.
It's a well known fact that Machkstick only stalks those within his iphone goog'al'ability or those with a red dress....
As you didnt mention iphone stalking in your post I presume the restraining order you may or may not have been considering was because of your red dress...obv.
See the non-relevance ;oDD
''I'm also moving this thread to The Shed as it isn't poker related.''
Oh, hang on.....I carnt.