For those watching the show, it won't be a surprise but we've lost Wayne in 14th place. He's collected £4,590 for his efforts here in London and again has garnered some respect from the game's top pros.
The final hand was a cooler. He'd been getting 3bet a lot by Jamie Roberts preflop. He drew the line with AQ but Jamie had AA this time. The only consolation is the flop came ace high, so he's going broke no matter what in that spot.
Top play Wayne and a final shout out to Jon Young, guest of TSP for the weekend and only the second best player in his office. He managed a cash in 23rd place.
That's all from me for now. I hope those of you watching the live stream enjoy what could be a bristling final table with the likes of Bansi, Kimber, Marenholtz and Roberts on there. Me? I'm off to have a lemsip and crash out for the remainder of the weekend.
Sorry for the late response still feel very jaded, must be an age thing!!!!!
Firstly a million thank yous to everyone who railed me on this thread and to the 100's of text messages of support I was getting. You really wouldn't believe what a difference it makes knowing people, players and friends are 100% behind you...
Really can't thank the sky crew enough for looking after me all weekend( TK, Claire , Dan and Blandy ) , I must really apologise to Dave for ruining his Saturday and keeping him at the Vic for such a long time ...
Coming back Day2 with 32k with 75 left and trying to get deeper was going to take a run good of cards and some after 3hours with 99 vs 66 and TT vs AQ AIPF I soon found myself on over 150k, then 210k after I opened with AK fire flop and turn then call a check raise all in, to which the guy says yh your good and folds... Scoop the 120k pot MBN... We were soon down to 26 players and it was bubble time, not that I was worried at anytime as my stack was in good condition 200k with ave 120k...My problem was I had this German guy on my right which opened min raised every other hand and 3 short stacks to act after me, I really couldn't be 3betting light in this position as I would have had to call any shove from anyone of these 3 players ... I just seemed to lock up and fall asleep in the next hour and half, I just didn't see 1 playable hand which was disappointing... When the bubble burst finally it was carnage, all-in everywhere but that's expected as 5/6 players had only 10-15 big blinds..My stack by this point was only heading in one direction DOWN, still had 25 bigs but I was totally card dead. So with blinds @ 4k 8k 500 Ante and 140k in chips I'm dealt A9 off in the cut off, I make it 17500 to go button and SB fold BB thinks then announces Raise (FML), he pops it to 37500, I think for awhile before folding sigh...Next hand AQ and again its folded to me on button the 1st this has happened all day...I think I had already decided as the blinds were soon to be 5k10k that this was the hand I was going to war with plus 6 handed AQ plays great vs SB and BB... I make that same raise again 17500, SB thinks then announces" ALL-IN ", it's a no brainer really I have to call, just hope he has jj/1010 right?? WRONG worst situation ever he has AA again lol....
Overall I played the cards I was dealt to the best of my ability and came up a little short....onwards and upwards...
Once again many many thanks to everyone for the support it means so much.
Opppps I forgot Mr Orford who was there on Friday too, how could I forget his attempt to errect an A board or something of the like, it didnt look complicated but a meal was made out of
a belated thanks to Blandie and the team for following me at GUKPT as well. Nice to get a first GUKPT cash under my belt and cheers to Blandie for the advice around the bubble (mainly consisting of prompts to "stick it in their eye"). Well done Wayne for your cash, think you'll agree it was a great weekend overall, nice to outlast some big names also. I think i'll do without the 2 hour bubble next time, thankyouverymuch.
Lovely work today!!!!!!!!!!!1
Chillax & lemsip ftw
Well played Wayne & Jon!! Brilliant job Dave and rest of Sky Team, who conducted themselves immaculatley !!
Couldn't put it any better .... +1
Sorry for the late response still feel very jaded, must be an age thing!!!!!
Firstly a million thank yous to everyone who railed me on this thread and to the 100's of text messages of support I was getting. You really wouldn't believe what a difference it makes knowing people, players and friends are 100% behind you...
Really can't thank the sky crew enough for looking after me all weekend( TK, Claire , Dan and Blandy ) , I must really apologise to Dave for ruining his Saturday and keeping him at the Vic for such a long time
Coming back Day2 with 32k with 75 left and trying to get deeper was going to take a run good of cards and some after 3hours with 99 vs 66 and TT vs AQ AIPF I soon found myself on over 150k, then 210k after I opened with AK fire flop and turn then call a check raise all in, to which the guy says yh your good and folds... Scoop the 120k pot MBN... We were soon down to 26 players and it was bubble time, not that I was worried at anytime as my stack was in good condition 200k with ave 120k...My problem was I had this German guy on my right which opened min raised every other hand and 3 short stacks to act after me, I really couldn't be 3betting light in this position as I would have had to call any shove from anyone of these 3 players ... I just seemed to lock up and fall asleep in the next hour and half, I just didn't see 1 playable hand which was disappointing... When the bubble burst finally it was carnage, all-in everywhere but that's expected as 5/6 players had only 10-15 big blinds..My stack by this point was only heading in one direction DOWN, still had 25 bigs but I was totally card dead. So with blinds @ 4k 8k 500 Ante and 140k in chips I'm dealt A9 off in the cut off, I make it 17500 to go button and SB fold BB thinks then announces Raise (FML), he pops it to 37500, I think for awhile before folding sigh...Next hand AQ and again its folded to me on button the 1st this has happened all day...I think I had already decided as the blinds were soon to be 5k10k that this was the hand I was going to war with plus 6 handed AQ plays great vs SB and BB... I make that same raise again 17500, SB thinks then announces" ALL-IN ", it's a no brainer really I have to call, just hope he has jj/1010 right?? WRONG worst situation ever he has AA again lol....
Overall I played the cards I was dealt to the best of my ability and came up a little short....onwards and upwards...
Once again many many thanks to everyone for the support it means so much.