recently i read a post asking if a player plays some outragous odds and only hits a that amount of times, in the long run will he be profitable. Over the last two days i put his theory to the test on 4 pence tables. I fully understand that two days and 121 hands is not enough time to conduct this experiment but these are my results so far. Iv decided to limp any two suited and raise my big ones AK etc, cards knowing that i have about a 16/1 chance of hitting a flush, but i believe the payout tends to be more than 16/1 once you hit.
Iv counted all my BBs and SB as full loses if i lose and also my AK's etc. I have put this experiment on hold when playing 3 or more tables as writing my results down was abit more difficult.
So far i have played 121 hands and hit the flush 7 times. I lost 75 of these hands totalling a loss of £8.42, my biggest loses were 89 where i had a flush draw and a BDSD on the flop vs a two pair shove, i lost £1.62. My next biggest was when i was BB with A7 and came up against a someone who slow played 2 pair and hit his full house on the river as i hit my flush, this loss was £1.60. there are a few at 10 BB or so but there the big ones.
I have won 46 of these hands totalling a value of £17.72, my flush wins are A2 winning £3.20 hitting a flush when i came up against AK with a A on the table. (a hand i would not of played) J8 winning £2.90 (another hand i would not of played). JT winning £1.60 ( i would of played this hand), Q7 winning £1.17, J6 winning 70p, 85 winning 18p and A5 winning 17p, and of course winning the others by playing my own way or still hitting good cards.
I know the higher level you play the harder this becomes as there is alot more preflop play, but at this level in the long run worth it?
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FWIW i do think u had a lucky day and it would be more unprofitable long term then profitable, if you want carry on for few weeks keep doing it if it works, but personally i doubt it would last for weeks and would start going down eventually. thats like saying playing everyhand from the button(although that would be better then limping any suited cards
Thats just my opinion, maybe harsh but at nl4 i have played and personally dont think its a good idea. maybe the odd limp or on a certain table but as a general rule no from me
Im happy to limp with pp up to 9's and hands like KQ hands that play well post flop or can flop well giving you implied odds. In regards to NL4 just ask Dohhhhman ABC Tight aggressive poker is the best way to combat the constant limpers and everything else. I think limping is ok used correctly at nl4 otherwise it will just be spewy imo
Ill have to wait till tomorrow to see what he puts on the matter as he's been of all eve, im not claiming to be a NL4 specialist either cos im not just really offering my advice on this matter
i am honestly greatful for your thoughts
Once you move from 4nl this will not be the same so this is not a true test because players understand board texture.
Posted by FlashFlush
Some do, some don't. There are plenty of donks playing above nl4 who limp call with any two and hit huge, usually when I have AA, in fact mostly when I have AA or KK..... I think i'm onto something here. If you know the guy has AA or KK limp calling looks like a big +EV play but only with those quality hands T4, K5, 53. If you don't know he's holding AA or KK you'll need to get one of those huge fishy flop coming alarms to alert you.