Hi Guys,
I was playing at my casino last night. It got down to the final two of us. I had about a 3 to 2 chip lead.
Anyway the guy asked my if i wanted to chop it. To be honest I didn't really want to, It was a small field, low buy in so I just wanted to play it out.
First hand after this discussion, the guy goes all in, I fold..... "do you want to chop it now "
Next hand, same thing.
He kept this up, every time I would raise he wold go all in, wasn't even looking at his cards.
Eventually I gave up and we chopped it.
I was really tempted to just play it back to him, but to me I felt like he was forcing me to play his game.
In fairness I did go pretty card dead so I didn't have anything i would have been happy to play against him.
So we chopped it and I put it down as a moral victory as I had more chips than him.
I found it frustrating as ****. Anyone from around here will know Dundee is famous for chopping, but I just wondered if this is fairly common practise or was this chap being a bit of a muppet?
Just raise every hand and wait for your chance.
Those Scots are terrible though ! In Glasgow last year I went to the FT after a break and found the other nine players had already sorted out who was getting what, even down to the dealers tips. As I had a good chip lead I thought my share should be bigger and said so.
I had to sit down at the table and say I was ready to play before they reworked it to give me an extra £150.
I have never left a casino so fast !