Quite a lengthy discussion in poker clinic in regard to the check raise and I wanted to open a thread here, mainly to see if my line of thinking really is that out of whack with the majority.
For a variety of reasons that I've already gone into, I very, very rarely checkraise. The only occassions I'l do it is if I'm know my opponent cant stand a raise (i.e I'm weak) or very rarely at the turn or river when I know my opponent will fold to a bet or to pot commit him, but most likely not even then.
I just think if youre trying to extract value the C/R is your worst play, I'll go into more detail if people are interested, but I was just curious as to what you guys though?
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But it is not difficult to counter a player who overuses the check raise. Exactly as you could a player who cbets every flop or raises every button.
In tournaments I like to mix up my game and will use it in the right spots. There are players about who will almost automatically bet when a flop is checked to them, and then call your reraise light more out of pride than anything else.
And if the stack sizes are right you can often commit them to a pot, when they have very little.
When sat strong/very strong, why would you look to check raise? In that scenario, with a fairly dry board, I just dont see the sense. Again, will go into more detail if needs be, just want to hear a variety of perspectives, than will put mine.
I recommend it but you have to use it correctly not just constantly
What did you think to that other thread Young gun? There's alot of strategy in there. Wasnt sure If I was getting my point across.
So why check raise? Your basically forcing your opponent to re evaluate the strength of their hand, making good players wary and bad players cautious. If you have the big hand, or the big draw, surely you are much better off leading out, looking for a re raise, allowing you to 3bet, putting more in the pot than the check raise would. Plus your giving yourself the opportunity to pick up the uncontested pots when your opponent holds nothing. Your much more likely to get action on the flop than the turn, so even if its not all in on the flop, you still get to disguise the strength of your hand, getting at least two streets of value or thin value calls/showdown value, even allowing your opponent to make mistakes on later streets
Again, your stack is only going in if your opponent is strong, unless they see you leading out alot, where this will infact stimulate people re raising you weak! Your also never letting freecards come off, so no free runner runner backdoor beats.
we call from SB with like T9cc
Flop K 8 3 rainbow
do we check/fold to the cbet or check/raise.
If your opponest is likely/capable of doing this then they are just as capable of raising any lead out you make, same result, without the ossaciated benefits of the lead out (taking the uncontested pots.
Yes, but only in the given spots I've mentioned if weak. Greenstein - esque, premium strong pre flop hand selection, aggressive post flop,
Yep already went through this bud. Am not talking about check raising a standard c bet OOP. Talking extracting value when OOP sat strong.