So who's in next week.. or how did you go out.
I'm out :-( LOL
erActionCardsAmountPotBalanceJONONZIESmall blind 25.0025.001655.00supercrazyBig blind 50.0075.002155.00 Your hole cards10J themoose17Raise 150.00225.002325.00mun3Fold NorbitFold BoxsterCall 150.00375.001650.00JONONZIEFold supercrazyFold Flop 2102 themoose17Check BoxsterBet 187.50562.501462.50themoose17Raise 450.001012.501875.00BoxsterCall 262.501275.001200.00Turn 2 themoose17Check BoxsterBet 637.501912.50562.50themoose17All-in 1875.003787.500.00BoxsterAll-in 562.504350.000.00themoose17Unmatched bet 675.003675.00675.00themoose17ShowJJ BoxsterShow10J River 8 themoose17WinFull House, 2s and Jacks3675.00 4350.00
An away player made it on the table I was on
Most of my chips went in this hand.
You only needed to last 40 minutes lol, even if you folded everyhand you would have gone through, 2 players on my table did lol.
Unlucky Boxter! You still got a few more trys.
i managed to make it but will prob still try for more.
won an early hand with quad 10s, then stayed in top 50 till 300 runners left and just folded and waited for the end
should be interesting over the next few weeks
I planned to just fold through but found myself down to about 7 big blinds!
So shoved 3 in a row then got called 4th time, i had 77 they held, next round.....................
so does that make me better that half the players on here if i dont even play a hand lol or just lucky ?????
I was an away player that qualified!
Sitting out ftw!