Quite a lot of players have written in about the date of the SURVIVOR Final clashing with the SPT Final.
I replied to several last week along the lines of "don't worry, if someone is in both, we'll find a work around".
Since then, I've had a lot more players writing to me, fretting about this date clash.
I sent all those notes to Suit-City, & they then decided to MOVE the date of the SURVIVOR Final BACK one day, to SUNDAY 8th of MAY.
I confess, the Suits made me aware of that date change late on Friday evening, but I've been a bit pre-occupied over the weekend with other stuff, so I forgot to mention it on the Community. However, the "SURVIVOR" landing page was immediately changed (on Friday) to reflect the date change, see HERE
what if someone cant make the new date, and they only entered because they thought the final was not on a sunday as stated at the time by skypoker. Posted by loonytoons
+1... i cant make the sunday and have so far qualified for 2 of the 2nd rounds..