In Response to Re: PTP tonight. 10 "SURVIVOR" entries up for grabs. : Dont worry a new scoring system can be invented to prevent this happening. Posted by hawk7112
Well as I have said before I think the scoring should be weighted to take account of the number of people taking part (although the survivor game wouldnt quite fit here)
On the other hand GregHogg is doing well in the main event so scrap that idea
Out of all of them now thank god, wish i could say I had fun but I didnt, not that its your fault tikay, cheers for the comp just a shame the servers took ALL the fun out of it.
Well as I have said before I think the scoring should be weighted to take account of the number of people taking part (although the survivor game wouldnt quite fit here) On the other hand GregHogg was doing well in the main event so scrap that idea Posted by tempusfuge
Well as I have said before I think the scoring should be weighted to take account of the number of people taking part (although the survivor game wouldnt quite fit here) On the other hand GregHogg is doing well in the main event so scrap that idea Posted by tempusfuge
I would have used percentage of field beaten but, as you say, the Survivor tournament would have made that a bad decision for tonight.
seems a bit unfair to get killed if u go out of the survivor (no pun intended) had a set of 10's all in against A4 on A104 flop & guy binks a 4 - what can u do? Posted by Ploppy33
If he binked a 4 you should complain to Sky Poker because your TTT44 beats AA444.
In Response to Re: PTP tonight. 10 "SURVIVOR" entries up for grabs. : If he binked a 4 you should complain to Sky Poker because your TTT44 beats AA444. Posted by MereNovice
bad night for me thanks for the updates vince - the worst exit hand was allin allin call bystack who had A2 aagainst my KK and 55 of third player board comes x2A5x
Are you sure TK is currently in first. If so im going to have post in Area 51
Rest easy.
On the other hand GregHogg is doing well in the main event so scrap that idea
had a set of 10's all in against A4 on A104 flop & guy binks a 4 - what can u do?
Thanks Vince for your regular updates
nice work on the spreadsheets Vince as always mate
You're welcome.
Just been onto CS and they said due to the bad lagging tonight on the site, the survivor tournament will not count towards this comp!
(worth a try)