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acting first postflop as the BB SB vs BB

LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
edited April 2011 in Community Help & Advice
this is the single most tilting thing that happens on skypoker when a 3rd person sits in but is 'sat out' they get the dealer button and it sets out like a normal 3handed game with the button effectively folding, until postflop when the BB has to act first. the best way i can describe this is: KBFNAO;SDGNADONA;SDPIGBNAPWE;IGKBAWEPIGWEH908GHW EOKGNJDASVBADSIKVJHBADSPIJKHOJADSFGNO;ASSFASGASDGASDGASDGASGSDGSDGSDGSDGSDGSDGSDG
jakally Small blind   £1.50 £1.50 £321.50
LOL_RAISE Big blind   £3.00 £4.50 £313.00
launder Sit out        
  Your hole cards
  • 4
  • A
jakally Raise   £7.00 £11.50 £314.50
LOL_RAISE Raise   £27.00 £38.50 £286.00
jakally Call   £21.50 £60.00 £293.00
  • K
  • 9
  • A
LOL_RAISE Bet   £33.00 £93.00 £253.00
jakally Call   £33.00 £126.00 £260.00
  • Q
LOL_RAISE Check        
jakally Check        
  • 7
LOL_RAISE Check        
jakally Check        
  • 4
  • A
jakally Muck
  • J
  • Q
LOL_RAISE Win Pair of Aces £125.00   £378.00


  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited April 2011
    acting first postflop when on the button....
    sam1986 Big blind   £2.00 £2.00 £288.90
    hhamza162 Sit out        
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 8
    LOL_RAISE Raise   £6.00 £8.00 £191.00
    sam1986 Call   £4.00 £12.00 £284.90
    • 7
    • K
    • J
    LOL_RAISE Bet   £8.00 £20.00 £183.00
    sam1986 Fold        
    LOL_RAISE Muck        
    LOL_RAISE Win   £11.40   £194.40
    LOL_RAISE Return   £8.00 £0.60 £202.40
  • zingzing Member Posts: 333
    edited April 2011
    yup confusing as **** and completely wrecks the dynamics of the hand, def needs to be sorted, i would have brought it up before now if i knew the reason why.
  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited April 2011
    i *think* that it just plays out like a normal HU hand but the button is on the third person so when you look at it whilst playing it looks like you will be IP postflop as the BB
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