You, Mr hogg, Are a Muppett.. ;o) I watched it till it was down to the final 3, then sky+'d it and off to bed. I was really looking forward to watching the final stages this morning. Sigh Posted by JockBMW
You, Mr hogg, Are a Muppett.. ;o) I watched it till it was down to the final 3, then sky+'d it and off to bed. I was really looking forward to watching the final stages this morning. Sigh Posted by JockBMW
This has to be an April fool. No-one would be stupid enough to read the forum before watching the end of a tournament. I mean, NO-ONE is that daft!
Sorry SoLack, was busy railing lucbox bean and didn't get a chance to say well done before the table closed. Nice result. I think you should buy all the regs a present
Thanks everyone. I am obviously delighted with the win.
Apart from the early KK double up and the final auto-call with Ace rag I manage to get it in behind all night, but received major binkage, particularly against Mr Brown, Mr Thew, and Mr Beaneh. I binked a thousand rivers.
Stunning comeback sir WPWPWP
Also WP Beaneh for a deserved 2nd
ooh to be a gooner !
well played solack
Oh poo, you are a mod lol.
Well done again
Great Game Guys.
Apart from the early KK double up and the final auto-call with Ace rag I manage to get it in behind all night, but received major binkage, particularly against Mr Brown, Mr Thew, and Mr Beaneh. I binked a thousand rivers.
Cheers and good luck at the tables