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Chat Box abuse.



  • Time_BombTime_Bomb Member Posts: 34
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Chat Box abuse.:
    In Response to Re: Chat Box abuse. :  And if you dont want to read these threads then dont. It doesnt bother me personally one iota , in fact i would agree with tempus in that i rather enjoy the company as they are usually poor players. I only posted really because it is such a rare occurrence on here compared to other sites i play on.
    Posted by pomfrittes
    so sad you even have to needle for a reply
    u got 1 
     lol grow. shape up and act ur age
  • DELTADELTA Member Posts: 639
    edited April 2011
    is this another person looking for the comforting arm round the rock n boulder,its so sad that you have to put up a post about ur insults or could it be bad playn and you got what was coming to you,i dont no i was not there but come on m8ty we are adults play on kid take on the mickey finn.
  • SpikeladSpikelad Member Posts: 406
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Chat Box abuse.:
    A well known player was giving me some abuse last night as I had stacked him, I kept calm and stacked him again! Happy days...............
    Posted by donkeyplop
    Hey donkey that is exactly the right way to deal with these guys.
  • sharky69xsharky69x Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2011
    loada betty swollox  if u ask me
  • ginge999ginge999 Member Posts: 95
    edited April 2011
    turn chat off its not hard really isit 
  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Chat Box abuse.:
    turn chat off its not hard really isit 
    Posted by ginge999
    but y should we have to turn chat off?
  • ginge999ginge999 Member Posts: 95
    edited April 2011
    if you dont like what people are saying then turn it off, if you can ignore it like an adult then keep it on
  • oynutteroynutter Member Posts: 4,773
    edited April 2011
    There is no need to spend time and effort soliciting personal abuse in the chat box-- I have opened a thread in area 51 for this very purpose, so feel free to come along and get some

     It is a well known fact, that over confidence is one of the most dangerous traits in a poker players mind, so a regular dent in your ego could be all that is required to perfect your game-- innit
  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Chat Box abuse.:
    turn chat off its not hard really isit 
    Posted by ginge999

    Read my post as Mod_JockBM........

    Why should we.  if we do, we let the abuser have an advantage by changing the terms by which we play the game.

    Anyway so what if we can switch off the chat box.  Abuse is wrong,  End Of.  It cannot and will not be tolerated 

  • J-HartiganJ-Hartigan Member Posts: 2,756
    edited April 2011
    lol @ the "ignore it" and "turn the chat off" comments.

    Let's make it clear - we're not talking about players who drop the occasional F-bomb in the chat box.  We're talking about people who direct spiteful, vindictive and offensive remarks at their opponents.

    Whatever their motivation, it's unacceptable.  No-one should have to tolerate or ignore it.  In a live game, the dealer would call the floor manager and the player would be removed from the table and possibly banned from the establishment.

    Consider this: these abusers are...

    a) not very bright
    b) rubbish at poker
    c) unhappy individuals

    So, pity them.  And then report them to CC!!!

  • tierceltiercel Member Posts: 325
    edited April 2011
     When players are abusive or cheat  Why not tell us how they have been dealt with ? ( Player ) Name and shame on the forum. That might shut them up. 

     to Re: Chat Box abuse.:
    Hi there Pomftittes Sky Poker take Chat Abuse very seriously,  Glad to see that you are able to take this on the chin and laugh it off.  However for some people it is very disturbing. The next time, he may do it to someone who is less able to cope with it.  The decision is yours but I would ask that you give serious thought to reporting this individual to customer care With regard to the post by Time_Bomb.   Yes we can turn off the Chat Box.....  but why should we, part of the pleasure that we find in this game is the social aspect.  To be forced to turn chat box off means that the abuser has won.  Not an option as far as I am concerned Gl on the tables everyone    
    Posted by Mod_JockBM[/QUOT
  • JockBMWJockBMW Member Posts: 2,653
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Chat Box abuse.:
     When players are abusive or cheat  Why not tell us how they have been dealt with ? ( Player ) Name and shame on the forum. That might shut them up.   
    Posted by tiercel

    I appreciate your point Tiercel.  However like all situations in life there is always two sides to every story.  To allow players to name and shame other players could lead to opinions being formed about a player before all the facts are in.

    Sky have put procedures in place to deal with these situations,  When you are a victim of abuse report it to Customer Care.

  • aussie09aussie09 Member Posts: 8,033
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Chat Box abuse.:
    lol @ the "ignore it" and "turn the chat off" comments. Let's make it clear - we're not talking about players who drop the occasional F-bomb in the chat box.  We're talking about people who direct spiteful, vindictive and offensive remarks at their opponents. Whatever their motivation, it's unacceptable.   No-one should have to tolerate or ignore it.  In a live game, the dealer would call the floor manager and the player would be removed from the table and possibly banned from the establishment. Consider this: these abusers are... a) not very bright b) rubbish at poker c) unhappy individuals So, pity them.  And then report them to CC!!!
    Posted by J-Hartigan

  • CHILLIECHILLIE Member Posts: 432
    edited April 2011
    if sky was to bring in rules that racist abuse and other of its kind will end in being banned from the site problem solved i have been on the end of racist abuse and imo if the player was not banned from the site then sky have done nothing about it chat bans are just ignoring the problem SO TO SUM UP BAN THE FOOLS
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited April 2011
    Some people can shout racist/prejudice abuse at us................but someone please tell me why we can't type forest?? It keeps me awake at nights ;)
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,650
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Chat Box abuse.:
    Some people can shout racist/prejudice abuse at us................but someone please tell me why we can't type forest?? It keeps me awake at nights ;)
    Posted by donkeyplop

    It is short for Forest Gump which is a derogative term used against players who are two milk chocolates short of the box.

    Hope this donkey :)
  • donkeyplopdonkeyplop Member Posts: 3,795
    edited April 2011
    Cheers mate I will sleep better tonight now :)
  • scouse_redscouse_red Member Posts: 5,968
    edited April 2011
    In Response to Re: Chat Box abuse.:
    lol @ the "ignore it" and "turn the chat off" comments. Let's make it clear - we're not talking about players who drop the occasional F-bomb in the chat box.  We're talking about people who direct spiteful, vindictive and offensive remarks at their opponents. Whatever their motivation, it's unacceptable.   No-one should have to tolerate or ignore it.  In a live game, the dealer would call the floor manager and the player would be removed from the table and possibly banned from the establishment. Consider this: these abusers are... a) not very bright b) rubbish at poker c) unhappy individuals So, pity them.  And then report them to CC!!!
    Posted by J-Hartigan
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