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Time for the biger buyins.

DO_OR_DIEDO_OR_DIE Member Posts: 22
edited April 2011 in Poker Chat
   Hi all. I've not been playing online for a while but been playing live and doing ok.
   March played two $50 buyin tourneys got a 2nd and a 3rd for a total of £975.
   April played in the $100 tourney and got 1st for £1325.
   Decieded to have a game online yesturday £5.50 mtt and got a guy calling my allin with Q 10 and yes he hit 2 pair'
   I asked why the bad call his answere was its only a £5 game m8 get over it.
   I was just wondering how many players have this attitude to the lower limit buyins?
   Me personaly would rather play every other day in a £30 or £50 mtt rather than get sucked out buy these LUCKY players
   10 times every day.
   Does any of my fellow poker players play differant at differant buyin levels? ty.
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