I know this exists on other sites, but I like the tournament and I think Sky should have it.
The idea is a "Heads up MTT". Once the tournament starts you are all drawn in a HU game (everytime there is an odd number 1 player will have to wait for an opponent). They play until 1 player has lost their chips, then as soon as there is a free opponent from another game they are matched up to play so you are not sat waiting for all HU games to finish.
Each player has a bounty on their head, so the quicker you knock some1 out the more opponents you get and more bounties. There will also be a prize pool for the top finishers (standard payout structure applies).
The clock is continuous but you keep the chips from your last game, so round 1 you get 2000 chips. If you win that the next game you will have 4000 chips etc etc, so the quicker you beat your opponents the more BB's you will have for your next game.
Name: Heads up for heads
Start time 8.30pm
Buyin £5 +50p
2k starting stack 10 minute blind clock.
75/150 (5 minute break)
500/1000 (5 minute break)
blah blah blah, you get the idea.... (steady blind increases = lots of play even near the end)
Runs on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday
No Limit holdem
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This looks fun,...what a gr8 idea Flash, vwd.
If it takes off (and hopefully it will), perhaps the suits could incorporate some smaller buy-ins so that wud attract more ppl and if poss, a turnaround time of say 2-4 hrs, or alternatively, vary the starting times to include early starts ie; afternoons as well pls, this wud allow persons like myself (and quite a few others) who have shift work etc, to have a chance to get a piece of the action.....we seem to miss out a lot on these type of fun games initiated by the members on the forum..........gl with it all
A couple of you said about doing it as knockout rounds. There is a couple of probems with this, its very rarely going to have a correct amount of runners (16, 32, 64 etc) so you could get a lot of players sit out the 1st round whih isn't much fun. Secondly if you KO your opponent pretty quickly, there is always 1 game that takes forever to finish, and as nobody on Sky has any patience I thought this may put people off.
@ Crazyben, What your saying is already my idea, as soon as you beat some1 you get the next available oppo so you can gain a bigger head value and more chips (So you could reach the final with a 2:1 / 3:1 chip lead for example).
@ James.... Sigh, shall I carry on with the structure up to 100,000 / 200,000 ;-)
Love the idea