As the 220DS is gathering pace, I think that Sky should look at re-introducing the 5-0.
Buy in - £100 + £10 reg fee
Guarantee - £3500 to £4000 with a 50 runner cap
When - Thursday at 8 apart from when the 220 DS is on.
Sats - various quarters/semis in the £6/12/24 range
Structure...taken from the £250GTD Deepstack tournie as the £15kBH will be the flagship TV tournie then there is no time pressure...of course there could be updates during the live show. Could even make the clcok 15 mins if people want it? 4k or 5k starting chips.
110.00 / 20.0012215.00 / 30.0012320.00 / 40.0012430.00 / 60.0012540.00 / 80.0012-5 Minutes Break-650.00 / 100.0012775.00 / 150.00128100.00 / 200.00129150.00 / 300.001210200.00 / 400.0012-5 Minutes Break-11300.00 / 600.001212400.00 / 800.001213600.00 / 1200.001214800.00 / 1600.0012151000.00 / 2000.0012-5 Minutes Break-161500.00 / 3000.0012172000.00 / 4000.0012183000.00 / 6000.0012194000.00 / 8000.0012206000.00 / 12000.0012
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